I agree Phoenix, it is a type of seduction. Tall, dark, and handsome. Intelligent, successful, AND single! That described my N. Met through a dating service no less - that was a very costly date. I got way less than I paid for. Anyway Lynn, I didn't conciously choose an N. I was very specific on that profile as to what I was looking for and it said NOTHING about a narcissists or other such neglectful person. Somehow they just know though, don't they? Before I realized what was happening, I was already sucked into the vortex. When I did realize though, i still couldn't do anything. At that point, the seduction had turned into an addiction.
That's my reality though, it may not be yours. If it is, I'd say look at it like an alcoholic would look at a glass of booze. It might taste good at that moment and you might could handle one drink but. . . it's best not to fall off of that wagon again. Easier task now that we have this forum as our seat belt and the knowledge of narcissism and voicelessness as a drivers manual. Good luck to you. I second the Guest's comment that now that you are armed with this new awareness, you can actually make a conscious choice next time.