Author Topic: Peace, where is it??????  (Read 3144 times)


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Peace, where is it??????
« on: September 24, 2006, 01:42:56 PM »
For the lastest drama, see my post in Pursuer-Distancer Relationships. 

My question is, how do I find peace.  Our eldest daughter keeps us worked up. It's one thing after another.  I find that when these dramas occur I'm so preoccupied and depressed about her stuff that I'm no good for the rest of my family.  I feel like I need to be a good mom to my oldest, or rather a better mom so that she'll make better decisions.  I worry for her safety.  I'm so afraid that if I'm gonna drop the ball and something bad is gonna happen to her.  But she doesn't want me involved in her life, basically.  Our other two kids are both special needs and they are so much easier to raise, so much more "normal" and loving that their sister has ever been.  She is killing me, but that can only happen if I let it, right?  I've got to realize that if something bad happens to her, it's not my fault.  We have loved her and still do.  We raised her in a Christian, law abiding home.  We tried to teach her respect (she didn't learn that lesson very well), to impart common sense (she didn't get that one either), to stay away from drugs and druggies (another lesson not well learned), that life is about making the right decisions even though they may not be easy or popular (another lesson she didn't care for).,,,,,  I'm so emotionally exhausted with her. I was praying this morning and just trying to give her to God, but my prayers keep meeting a wall there, I don't know why. I'm worried for her soul,  for her safety and for her decision making abilities.  Sorry for the pity party.  Thanks for listening.


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Re: Peace, where is it??????
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2006, 02:12:44 PM »

You do not need to borrow trouble.But I so understand what you are feeling.
My h and I have tried to protect our oldest d from everything................
The trouble is they have to learn on their own skin.

All we can do is be an example and love our children dearly.I try to  show respect for them .
My h and I have been there for our children yet still they can be hurt.
But it sounds like nothing has happened to her yes?

Finding peace in a world of turmoil IT takes being in the now not looking at the past all the time or projecting fear into the future.
(to heal some looking back is needed)but if your child is of age she must find her way and you can find a way to find your peace
and in doing so this will help her greatly .

MY YOUNGEST CHILD IS SO MUCH EASIER. But that's the way it seems to go until they can find their own solid core within.
Adrift, I understand your worry and prayers .
This love and concern shows how very much you love your children.
No need to Be sorry .She must know how much you care .

adrift in life that your family are fine and will be fine

much much love to you


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Re: Peace, where is it??????
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2006, 02:19:30 PM »
Oh Adrift, can I relate.

I think only in working hard to find your own peace and serenity,
and even NOT thinking about her so much...letting her go but reminding yourself
it's not your clutching that will keep her safe or her decisions wise...

She may get hurt. She may have trouble.

You can be her soft place to land.
She'll know, she already knows, how much you love her.

Now love yourself, even if that includes new boundaries with her.
That way, you're modeling self-respect....(and you know I am
totally preaching to myself because my D is very distant now).


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: Peace, where is it??????
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2006, 02:37:51 PM »

  This is so good and true, I think: 

Finding peace in a world of turmoil IT takes being in the now not looking at the past all the time or projecting fear into the future.


  More and more, your eldest is sounding like mine, in that lack of what I can only call "common sense" and maybe discernment.
I think maybe it's their way of rebelling against what they view as a closed environment that will prevent them from finding wholeness... kinda their way of taking a walk on the wild side. I dunno, but I'll be glad when (if) this stage passes.

Re: I was praying this morning and just trying to give her to God, but my prayers keep meeting a wall there,

I slammed into that wall repeatedly, until finally I realized and accepted the fact that God loves my children even more than I do. For me, it was a matter of acknowledging that had always been only on loan to me from Him and that now I needed to trust Him to raise them up. When you think about it, God has raised you up, right? I know He has for me... filling in the gaps that my upbringing and family didn't fulfill. He's faithful, Adrift. You can count on Him.



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Re: Peace, where is it??????
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2006, 06:02:24 PM »
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Peace, where is it??????
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2006, 06:12:12 PM »

A mother is only as happy as her least unhappy child.




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Re: Peace, where is it??????
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2006, 08:34:34 AM »
Adrift:  I have been going to Al-anon for the past two weeks.  I went because I have a alcoholic h.  However, as I was sitting there last night I was astonished.  My eyes were opened!!!  I could see how a support group like al-anon crosses the lines of alcoholism and goes right to the heart of dysfunction of any kind.  If you live with chaos.  If your children pulls your strings and manipulates you.  If you feel out of control and crazy, then al-anon is for you.  I went a-ha last night when I realized I could have used this kind of support for many years.  My ex had a sexual addiction, but it all applies.  My Nmom has a "I need to be in the spotlight" addiction.  Whatever addiction you are dealing with - if it upsets the apple cart and you cannot handle the craziness of it, try al-anon!!


PS I know I sound like an al-anon commercial but it just has been so eye opening for me that I thought I needed to share....

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Peace, where is it??????
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2006, 09:11:05 AM »
Adrift, I was just going to make a quick reply and then I read down all the responses. Everyone here has good, loving advice. And I really was going to add that going to Alanon is what saved my sister from going down the tubes with her daughter. I have never been, but probably should have gone years ago...and I cannot say enough good things about the work they do, from just watching my sister and her daughter get through the daughter's drug addiction. I think Kelly is right on the money.

Here's my take, for what it's worth, which basically is what everyone else says....again.
1. You are a good mother. That's why you hurt when your child hurts. So at least acknowledge that in yourself.
2. Everyone, including you, has to learn from pain. Let your child learn. Don't stop the learning.
3. (and my sister took this from alanon) Clean up your side of the street. That's all you can do. Save yourself. Find ways to drop what is essentially someone else's pain out of your space and focus on what you want, not what you don't want. My niece credits her mother's growth from her whole mess as actually, her inspiration to get better again. Strange how things can work.
4.Learn how to be in the moment...maybe Ekhart Tolle's book "the power of now" might make sense to you. That way, you can "stop borrowing trouble" (my mom used to say that, too) from past, or future and FIND what is right about things, and let that pull you up into a more positive vibration.
5. Try to see your daughter's pain as her own....and see it as a gift she is getting from the universe to learn...what? Who knows... but if you have some faith, and not so much fear, you can see this is her path. Sure you are her parent, but that's all you are. You are not one and the same person.
6. Once again, give yourself compassion: you are a loving human.. You feel other's pain because you know how to feel. But emotions do not have to control your life if you choose otherwise. Step back. Step out of the emotion. What would it feel like to have what you want (peace)? Give yourself a gift, even if a few seconds a day of imagining such a if it were in the present. It's your mind, you can do what you like with it. Trust that your path, her path, are exactly what they should be. This is learning. This is waking up. Waking up is hard.


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Re: Peace, where is it??????
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2006, 08:38:35 PM »
I thought I had this memorized from Dr. Phil, but now you have me wondering.  Maybe it's "least happy child?"  I looked on the website, but it wasn't there.  I'm confused too. :?
