Hope, this is wonderful to see. You're setting an example I intend to follow:
Hops, I'll admit I too was a tad annoyed with you, a couple of weeks ago.
I felt at one point as though you were trying to one-up me in areas that actually lie in the realm of my professional experience, as well as my personal experience.
This annoyed me terribly... but finally I realized I was being ridiculous; I know what I know, I've saved my own life and the lives of some of my animals by knowing what I know, and I don't need to prove it to anyone anymore. So, I got over myself, and the feeling passed, and I'm glad it did.
I know that I had an 'off' tone for a few days, though. And I'd like to apologize for that. I hope you will forgive me. If you were unaware of this entirely, and now feel annoyed at ME, I will understand completely, but I still hope you can forgive me, eventually. The fault was entirely mine.
I think it would be wonderful if none of us needed to be at odds with any one person in particular, in order to feel closer to someone else, or better about ourselves. As though we must be at war with one to be good companions with another. It's so counterproductive.
Something to contemplate. Something to strive for, definitely. Cliques built on shared animosity would disintegrate overnight, and think of all the freed-up energy there would be for doing constructive stuff instead!
And I think you would make a dynamite Unitarian minister, Hops. As I said elsewhere... and I meant it.