I'm been feeling depressed for about a week and couldn't understand why since nothing in particular is all that different lately. I've been doing okay with the things that aren't all that great. Tired from working too much, but that has been going on awhile so it wasn't a very satisfactory answer either.
Then I remembered this morning, early of course, that tomorrow will be two years since the day we took my father to the hospital. Then three weeks later he died, on October 29th. October 3, 2004 was a Sunday I think. My father called us in the morning and said he couldn't take care of himself any more and would we come and get him and take him to the nursing home. He hadn't made any arrangements to go to a nursing home and didn't understand you can't just drop someone on the doorstep. So, I knew we'd have to bring him home to our house. If he said he couldn't take care of himself any more, then it had to be bad.
We got there and my aunt and uncle were already there looking pretty shell shocked. My father was sitting on one of his collection of wheeled office chairs he had bought to make getting around easier. He was by the kitchen sink and I figured he must have tried to feed himself or wash up and couldn't and then realized that even the basic abilities were gone and started making phone calls.
We agreed he would come live with us and went back home to get a room ready for him while my aunt and uncle watched him. It was the longest day of my life. With each moment of preparing for his arrival it became more and more apparent we were in over our heads. Just arranging for furnishings and how he would get around in the house took all we had. We didn't eat all day. At one point we went back to his place and he had not been able to make it to the bathroom in time. My aunt and uncle were useless at this point. And I was pretty close. It took me five full minutes to make myself go in that bathroom and start washing him. My husband arrived again at that point and finished for me. I just couldn't do it.
By the end of the long day, he was in his bed in our dining room and he was sitting there feeling like he was dying, and he was, and he said, "This isn't going to work." I asked him if he wanted to go to the hospital and he said yes. So, I called the ambulance. Our doorways were too narrow for the stretcher and he couldn't walk. So, they rigged up a heavy blanket and carried him out like in a sling. He was very small and alert as a squirrel sitting there in that blanket. It was scary and exciting for him at the same time. It was unreal to me.
In the emergency room, a girl I went to school with was his nurse. She told me later she was glad she was his nurse because the other nurse on duty wasn't very good. And it was true. I watched the other nurse and she spent her time just doing busy work. Like she didn't really know her job very well. My former classmate took the best care of him.
It is all so vivid to me still. Last year at this time, I remembered at about one in the morning what day it was and couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I was wreck at work the next day. I thought this year it wouldn't happen again. But I guess it has. My friend at work, the one whose mother was murdered, told me that every year around that time, even if she isn't thinking of it, her body remembers what time of year it is and she feels terrible. Then she remembers why. It was last month for her. I guess that is how it happened for me this time.
I wish I didn't have to go to work. I did plan ahead somewhat this year. My vacation starts in two weeks and so I will be off work on the 29th. But it seems like October 3rd is the more painful day in my heart for some reason. It was just an awful day. A shocking day. I always call it The Day We Took My Father To The Hospital. Those words just don't convey it properly. I didn't realize then what it meant. The enormity of it. The next three weeks were really all part of one long day. That was really the day he was dying rather than living. That was really the day it was all over with.
I thought it might help me to post about it. Apparently I've been getting ready for this for awhile now. Have felt so blah and quiet. My husband is puttering around in the kitchen and letting me be. I have to go wash up and get ready for work. Maybe some water on my face will make me more presentable. If only I were like my co-workers who just "bang in" when they don't feel like coming in. But I haven't done it yet in five years and don't plan to start today.
Gotta get going now. Thanks for reading this.