Hi all:
I would like to use this thread to touch on some waves of feeling, as well as some practical life issues I need to deal with, as I move through the last month of my job. Nothing specific, just whatever's happening. It's a big watershed in my life. I may find another, I may early-retire to near poverty, I may get a windfall, I may write. None of these paths are clear yet and won't be for a while. So on this thread I may just want to talk about the choices, tasks, and worries as they come up. I know there will always be support and cheer and wisdom here. Thanks in advance.
Yesterday, and lately, I've been thinking what a hit my health has taken since starting this job almost two years ago. The endless strain of dealing with this boss, who is manipulative par excellence.
Anyway, I'm off to see him for a meeting we have every Tuesday morning. He will deliver my evaluation, give me new editing assignments. He's been a bit bullying lately so I need to breathe, detach, and be very centered while I deal with him. If anyone's awake, send good thoughts around 8:15...thank you!