Hey, ya'll I am having a b*tch of a time finding a support group for ACON in my area. I have just 'awoken' to what it is my mom has, but unfortunately, this is after letting her run my life [into the ground] for the last 3 years and isolating me from all but one of my friends [who lives 5 hours away]. I just graduated from college in July & don't have enough $ to move out just yet. So, when she gets home, I have basically been sitting in the park, church, my car for hours, all by myself.Yes, this is pathetic...but, I'm tired of living a lie, and I will be ashamed no more!!!!......wow saying that felt good. Anyways,
if anyone lives in San Antonio, TX and would like to get together for coffee, please e-mail me at psalms119_46@lycos.com