Maybe to start with.
Then it was to learn.
And then to accept, which I did through good therapy in the US
Then come up with a longer-term plan.
It is a process of deciding something went terribly wrong and working out when and how and what to change.
But it is majorly important to me personally that having had my life taken over temporarily by others' mental illness/ personality disorder in both childhood then later, I now came to my own resolution and in my own way and time.
There are no sound-byte solutions to families.
Love is paramount to remain human.
People who forget that are in trouble, no matter how angry or bitter or hurt.
THIS IS MY LIFE is a phrase which I think time and again. It is my mantra.
I may be a mother, a wife, a daughter and many other relationships- but it is up to me how I choose to deal.
If I choose to sacrifice some of my life to take care of those who need me, or to help others, or to put myself first sometimes, to balance my needs with the needs of those around me- whatever I choose to do is my decision.
And so long as I harm no one, it is not for anyone else to tell me I ought to do different, or to try to influence me, even 'in my own interests' or assuming that 'just now I'm blind, but then I'll see'....
"No person is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow" Alice Walker
Well I could only grow when it was me doing the sowing and the reaping.
It worked.
First I found my voice, and it was a faltering whisper, and I didn't feel fully entitled to it, and doubted it often.
Then I heard echoes down the corridors of my past which were the resonances of the true me, and they grew, and multiplied.
Harmony. My choir.
Now I trust my inner voice, and listen to it, and sometimes, when it seems appropriate or necessary I can shout across the rooftops, or equally speak almost silently but clearly.
I don't need someone to tell me how to treat the mentally sick in my life, I don't need someone to tell me how to raise my children, I don't need to know if you approve of me, like me or that deepest darkest of truths: can you ever love me?
Because here I am, whole, survived, a good mother, a persistant wife in an unconventional and often unsatisfying marriage, where people are nevertheless mainly happy, and a successful writer.
If I post it is to comfort or share with others who are on the same journey. To BE WITH THEM. To offer practical information. But mostly to let them know that whatever you suffer, you endure. And however painful, however difficult, all experience is the sum of who we are. And the best people I have met in life had some of the the worst experiences.
FIND YOUR VOICE and look to your future, however far away it may seem today.
Human growth isn't what happened, it's what happens next.