Author Topic: Narcissism is the LEAST of my N's problems  (Read 2909 times)


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Narcissism is the LEAST of my N's problems
« on: February 22, 2004, 01:11:34 PM »
Hello guys,
   I know you barely know me at all...I popped in to ask a couple of hopeful questions about two months ago...I just wanted to say goodbye to you nice people and wish you the best of success in reclaiming/coming to terms somehow with the damage caused to you and those you love by the actions of these fucking freak-people.
   However, in the course of following my personal obsession with what was done to me I have discovered that the Demon who came into my life is AAAAALLL of it...every single personality disorder you can think of including comorbid schizophrenia afflicts this man. Luckily he is drinking and smoking and whoring himself to death so he will be dead soon anyway. I know how awful that must sound. But for the survivors on this board, some of this feeling MUST resonate inside you...that the World would be a better place if we could just remove these monsters from the societal equation. I would never hurt anybody. I would never advocate hurting anybody, but I truly believe that whatever vestiges of humanity these demons have deeply, darkly within them...these vestiges want no part of life. I pray for their souls to come back set free and wonderful and innocent. I KNOW there is a God. I know the Devil. I have seen him. I have breathed him and I have let him inside my body. That I am stronger, smarter, healthier and (this was a nice side effect) more attractive toward healthy people than ever before in my life is testimony that ANYONE can survive this nightmare.  
   Remember you don't have to go to any sort of church to know God. God knows you and he sees intentions. God Bless You All.


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« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2004, 06:49:19 PM »
You are so Cool!
Is your post a goodbye? if so all the best to you. I've enjoyed meeting you and wish you the best!
Love, Nic :lol:
P.S>What penmanship! That was a very well worded post! Again all the best!
All truth passes through 3 stages
First it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed,third,it is accepted as being self evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer


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« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2004, 09:51:01 PM »
whenever you chose to be part of someone else's life without respect you do damage to yourself.

If this guy is so bad, cut him out.

If you can't then at least treat him with some dignity, especially if as you say he cannot help his extreme condition.

As my social work boss years ago once told me: unlike these people: you can go home.

I never forgot that.


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Narcissism is the LEAST of my N's problems
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2004, 08:06:46 AM »
Goodbye and very good luck WarriorGirl! I can't remember if we talked directly but I'll say now I enjoyed all your posts - you made me laugh and smile through your style. I agree with Nic, you're great! And you even wish your ex a better future soul...forgiveness even now, so soon. Very best wishes, P


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Narcissism is the LEAST of my N's problems
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2004, 04:53:02 PM »
Hey guys! Thank you for the affirmation...and I agree, I should try to be compassionate; my goodness have I ever ever tried to have some modicum of compassion for the person who was like a cancer in my life. Occasionally, I see him welling up with tears in the dream's eye of one of our little "chats" (there must have been, seriously, as many heart-to-heart talks as there were days we were dating), and my heart breaks for the little guy. But mostly?
   I remember his eyes were like that of a Great White. Predatorial. Empty. 666. His pupils seldom dilated nor retracted...he was absolutely dead under there. Horrifying. And, his PENIS was inside my body!!!, at least I didn't let him do the Greek thing after I figured out it was a sadistic power trip for him. Sorry. Inner monologue, outer monologue...ahem.
   However my butt is much firmer for the experience, as he was SO awful there was something in me that just kept saying, "Girl, you know you won't be staying here forever so keep yourself in shape for the love of the Jesuses (sic). Don't die on this ripped-up loveseat staring into the TV with him, at fictitious lives he cannot live."

   Seriously. My big question is: HOW CAN SOME OF THESE N'S LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND NOT SEE THEIR TEETH ARE BROWN AND GROSS, THEIR SKIN IS THE COLOR OF A CADAVERS': yet STILL they maintain they're the cat's meow to associate with? How the HELL is this phenomenon possible???
    Satan sure has a sense of humor, that's for sure...he makes his emissaries all resemble caricatures, or Hitler.  
   Honestly, do you think Adolf Hitler would have exerted that sort of Propaganda-Driven control over Eastern Europe is he hadn't been so much fun to draw???
   xo WG


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Narcissism is the LEAST of my N's problems
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2004, 07:22:05 AM »


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Narcissism is the LEAST of my N's problems
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2004, 05:54:51 PM »
Thank you for the affirmation...and I agree, I should try to be compassionate

sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do is walk away and let go. If he's so bad why stay and mock, or stay and suffer? Life is hard enough at times without choosing pain.

These narcissists got the way they are through some tragedy or abuse, if you are there with no more pity but not willing to move on doesn't that make you abusive too?

I'm not denying he's hurt you, but you know he is unlikely to change so why not look for someone else who you can share your sense of humor and have fun with?