Well, now
I checked out the philosophy quiz. It sucks, big time. SOOOO many presuppositions about what
"I" meant in each answer, no way to rephrase or clarify. Excuse me, but absolute questions with absolute answers will never reveal the abstract, the grey area where those truths which do not exist in the black and white of life, lie.
I have probably ALWAYS resisted any absolute of any kind. (Read Ken Wilber's
No Boundary). So maybe that sense of resistance has prevented me from finding any absolute SELF within. Never thought of that before.
I have always been so open to change, to what is new, to what might be better than what 'was', it's second nature for me to question EVERYTHING. I don't even have defineable habits. Many of the Self-help gurus claim that doing any specific behavior on a daily basis for two weeks will make it an involuntary habit. Doesn't work with me. Never has.
As for looking in mirror and saying "I love you", I tried that one, too. All it accomplished was to clarify to me that I am a liar. I can say it till the cows come home, but that doesn't make it real. Period.
I know that this all sounds defeatist and depressing, but I am just telling it like it is. I can pretend all the live-long day that I believe in something, but the bottom line is : I DON"T BELIEVE IT.
Even if I want to, even if I WANT to want to. I look around my life and see that the belief is NOT there.
And all the positive thinking, all the self affirmations, all the white-knuckle-just-hang-on-it'll-get-better placations have NOT changed anything at all.
I understand and fully believe that what I do is NOT as important as WHO I AM. We are Human Beings, not Human Doings. My behavior should be a reflection of who I am. Another quote of Walcsh's (from Conversations with God, Book 3) is :
"Every act is an act of self-definition. Everything you think, do, and say declares, 'This is who I am.' "What I cannot reconcile in my own heart and head are the contradictions that arise in the execution of those acts.
Paradox, I can deal with. Contradiction is another matter.
My search is for a sense of understanding. A feeling of peace that everything that can be a conscious choice, I am indeed choosing, and that I am making the best choice possible in the moment. Allowing room for mistakes, for unforeseen circumstances, for non-choice options, etc, is acceptable, but I need a sense of belief in a foundation of Self.
community is vital, vital, and that we need to build it intentionally, not accidentally, into our lives, so we can share good times but also have a bulwark against illness, divorce, grief, poverty, crisis.
Yes, yes, yes, I fully agree. In this way, what we do IS extremely important. But without a sense of self as a foundation, individuals cannot build healthy community. IMO.
If I cannot trust myself, I will NEVER be able to trust others. Period.
Portia, the "settling" comes in when I don't get the job I wanted, there isn't money for groceries, or my phone calls arent returned. It's in the choiceless events. I seem to find so many of these, I can no longer see where my choices DO lie. I know i can't control everything. I just can't trust my own judgement to believe in myself.
My ability to trust my own judgement about what is and is not acceptable is severely lacking.
Not acceptable to who? I don’t think I understand here. Can you say more please?
Acceptable to me, of course, and the world where I have no choice but to be what others expect me to be.
(the working world, specifically) and the financial resposiblity world.
Sorry about the confusion caused by my reference to "coming down the pike". It's a phrase I picked up from my mother without ever thinking that others wouldn't know what it meant.

(even if you think it means a fish!)

Cannot tell you all how much this dialogue means to me. Every day i log on with an expectation of having been ignored, told I'm only having a pity party, told that I made my bed, now I have to lie in it, or worse, told I'm crazy, need to leave. (old tapes of rejection fade slowly)
Thanks for the hugs.
