Author Topic: JUST A QUICK THOUGHT :)  (Read 3568 times)


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« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2006, 04:41:38 PM »
Hi Brigid

Yeah that was hard but because I was such a pain they let her come home earlier than the two weeks .
My oldest daughter wants to have a bio child and adopt this is very important to her she will be a good parent kinda a lioness .
my oldest d is a stunner but so  anyway she's busy with college and  I am glad she is such a sweetheart.
my little moonlet is a cutie but has no idea how cute she is...........This even makes her cuter  she is a tiny.
Here at the moon residence we are small not tall so cute is what ya get tee hee my h is 5"10 ' the giant of the house.

Both my girls have lots of friends too I think this is so good.
They did have to pry me loose and my oldest d was in the hospital in ICU I did sleep on the hopital floor.
And then when she was put in regular room I sept there.

I am so happy you and your wonderful d are doing so well
Hey Brigid did you see the photo Hops put up for you with the Harley Dawg? 8)



I sure am glad my oldest d is fine when in hospital I knew she was getting better when she started getting persnickety(is that a word)  :D
« Last Edit: November 04, 2006, 12:31:01 AM by moonlight »


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« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2006, 05:24:51 PM »
My nmom and dad bought a home from a couple (with kids) where one of them got transferred out of they sold the house, the lady moved out of town and the husband stayed here and I think the mom flew home every weekend to be with the "family."  That seems stupid, doesn't it?  The couple finally got divorced.

Also, my nmom "tried" the stay-at-home mom thing - cooked goulash...............but it didn't last long.  My dad was an enlisted man in the Air Force and when my nmom took us to the swimming pool and the officers wives snubbed her............something snapped inside.  When I was three she went to college, and when I was six she started a career which basically made her a lot of money but also took her away from my brother and I (and my dad tried to raise us while she was gone two weeks a month........)  My brother says we paid our dues and now she owes us for the neglect................but again, she holds her wealth close to her heart and only throws crumbs when we look "needy."  And then we weren't "perfect," we were both hell raisers!!!  Look at us!!  Pay attention to us!!!  Well, she pretty much "tolerates" us even to this day.................................

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2006, 11:45:47 PM »
I met my husband through a dating service on the radio, so I'm not one to poo poo dating services altogether either.  I also ran a dating service personally years ago, through AOL and the internet/phone.  I had a lot of success with matchmaking...I tend to have a knack at discerning who belongs with whom. 

As far as children...I have 4 daughters, ages 21, 17, 12, 7.  They are wonderful and so unique from each other.

My eldest, Carol, age 21, is living with her boyfriend right now, trying to find herself somehow.  She works as a Medical Assistant at a mental health clinic.  She will be going back to college for her RN degree.  She is possibly battling some depression, sadly, but does not choose to deal with it.

Anna, age 17, is sharp, nicely-dressed, a bit too "full of herself" which she admits.  She wants to be a photographer and already has a good start in that direction.  She does well in school and is a Cadette in Girl Scouts.  She was starting to show some N signs for a while, but since her boyfriend entered the picture, she has tamed down pretty well.  She was actually FUN to be with today.  I'm so glad I never gave up hope with her, cause there were times when I just wanted to ship her OUT THE DOOR, let me tell you!

Randi, age 12, is homeschooled, doing pretty well, but very very stubborn and irritable at times.  Some people tell me it's just the pre-teen thing with her, and she will get past it.  She is going to be seeing my counselor on Monday, I think.  I think she may have a touch of ADD, like her mother.  Overall, she is spunky and willfull, and wants to be an interior decorator, which she does IMPRESSIVELY in her own room.  She misses having her own room, since 17 year old Anna moved back home and out of the apt with her older sister.

Amber, age 7, will talk to ANYONE who will listen, which is cute yet concerning.  She can make a friend out of an enemy in a few seconds of chatting with people.  I'm always watching her over my shoulder, without her knowing it, because I don't trust people who tend to be overly friendly with her.  I've heard too many horror stories in my lifetime.  I'm not by far a "smother-mother" but I am paranoid, because this world is a very deceptive place at times.  I'd rather be safe than sorry.  Little Amber is doing ok in school, but struggles with not liking to do any writing.  She is in first grade, cause she was held back a year, and now might be held again in 1st, because she refuses to do homework or writing work.  We shall see.

That's my family, plus there is my hubby of 19 years, who I am just now getting to learn how to listen to without screaming at him in anger and frustration, thanks to ANTIDEPRESSANTS!



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« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2006, 01:56:42 AM »
((((((((((((((((((alla y'all))))))))))))))))))))

this may sound corny but I just choked up reading about everyone's children
and families because I was just watching a show about New Orleans and while
I was reading these Aaron Neville was singing "Stand by Me" and I was just
thinking how much love there is...

Those of us who didn't get enough still pour it down...

 :) :cry: :)


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2006, 05:54:10 PM »
Moon & Hops,
Thanks for the heads up on the Harley photo.  Very cute.  I just returned from a few hours on the bike.  It was actually a little warmer today than it was for most of October.  They say it will be in the 60's on Wednesday, so my honey is going to play hooky (he is the boss afterall) and we'll go out for the afternoon.  You never know when it will be the last ride of the season.

On Saturday, we're heading over to see my son at school.  He is in an acapella men's choir and they are doing a performance (he is singing a solo) on Saturday night as part of a bigger show at the Student Union.  I haven't seen him since mid-August.  Then on 11/22 both the kids will be home for the Thanksgiving weekend.  I look forward to a few days of my kids and their friends making the house lively once again.  I miss them so much.

Moon--my d should be little based on her heritage, but she is actually quite tall (5'5") for an Asian girl (but wears a size 0--when did that become a size BTW?).  She was a late bloomer and still might grow a little more.  I'm so anxious to see how she's changed (both physically and emotionally) since I dropped her at school in late August.  She had really never been away from home before.



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« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2006, 12:11:11 AM »
Hi RM/Laura,
Has Amber been looked at for learning disabilities?  I am asking because if she is talkative, intelligent, curious,etc but intensely dislikes reading and writing, these might be signs of dyslexia or vision problems.   She could be screened by a behavioural optometrist (problems can exist even if she has 20-20 vision) for specific visual skills related to reading, and there are also tests for dyslexia.

If you have already looked into this, sorry to assume.  I just know that statistically, many children don't get identified in school until age 9 or later, and by then their self-esteem has suffered from being left back or last in the class and so forth.



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« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2006, 08:41:04 PM »
hey Pluck, thanks for the concern...what is a behavioral optometrist and where can I find one around me?  I'd like to look into this further, because at this point, a friend of mine is planning to help homeschool my daughter vs putting her back into the school next year


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« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2006, 09:58:48 PM »
Hi RM,
here are some links to get you started.  PAVE is a good org in the US ut it looks like their website has expired!
These are about vision.
This one about dyslexia.

Good luck.  If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate.



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« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2006, 10:14:29 PM »
Writing is a really tough skill. I found these great books when the kids were starting out writing and reading that had you mostly illustrate and then move a bit closer to writing. Maybe if you look under writing or pre-writingon amazon you will find them. My son used to avoid writing at all costs... but these books kind of got him going. I wish I remembered the name or brand... they are about fairy tales and monsters and such, so they are fun for the kids.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams