go back to basics: if the problem is confidence about working get a job, any job.
Find out how to rest, how to take care of yourself.
When you feel like you're saying 'yes but....' to any possible solutions don't go there, develop an attitude of 'I haven't worked this out yet BUT I WILL'.
Negativity is an internal cycle. Break it.
I am not a fan of self-help in some ways because without more detail/ background some writers are only looking at partial 'easy' solutions: plus their ideas don't even work for them half the time yet they're peddling them....to people who are already frustrated.
It's about building a collection of tools, not finding a 12 step cure-all which doesn't seem to apply personally and frustrates you more. It takes confidence to adapt and pick out what works for you, and what's good timing for you.
One of the most powerful things is practicality, what can I DO, and sometimes it seems like nothing, but even if we just sit down and work out where we'd like to be it feels better than helpless inactivity. Just a bath and changing the bedding can help the most depressed person! yet how often we brush off the small things because the whole seems overpowering.
One of the best tools I found jumped out of a nursing article: a diagram of a balanced life, a wheel where each spoke was an aspect of self, here it is
Once I saw that I could also see that every little thing which I did would push out the spoke towards my goal of a rounded balanced life- and some aspects like my spiritual self I had neglected entirely.
I was ultra-resistant to therapy too- I was adamant it would change me!!!!!!!
I was in some trouble with my self-identity I guess, and like someone who says I'll go to the gym when I've lost some weight- I didn't want to face the whole me and start working on changes. I was afraid someone ( me? ) would find it unaceptable that I was so out of step, and couldn't do it all myself, and hadn't found 'the way'.
Therapy did change me, beyond recognition, but now I can smile at that anxious, projecting version of me and know that it's not about 'the way' it's 'a way' and it's ongoing.
ps--I don't expect answers, I'm just venting. It appears to be my only option.venting is fine- we all do it, and sometimes it's all we need to do to move forward.
When we get stuck and think it's our only option maybe it needs examining?
Depression symptoms are different in everyone, but that inability to move or hope sounds familiar to me.