hiya again gap,
you are so lucky to have some support from your brothers. Which brothers (birth order) have realized it? For me, my older brother (second born) seems to be coming around. He was typically the other scapegoat.
Your family sounds a lot like mine. I guess now you can join beth & I in our internet "twins" status

- whenever I write something about my FOO, she very often can relate. The similarities are uncanny!! Ns really seem to be cut from the same cookie mold, it seems. The good thing about this is, at least they're predictable.
I also have sisters in denial, and the permanent rifts started long before I ever learned of N, or tried to fix it, or only tried to convince them (in my naive everloving way) that I was not the problem in our family, our parents were. They continue to want to believe it is me.
I am learning to be supportive to my brother who is confused, but to not become engulfed (Rather re-engulfed) in the family drama. One thing I've noticed, however, is that the FOO stuff replays itself at work. The roles are the same, there are just different actors. I'm at this time trying to separate myself from an N boss and N coworker who are drama-addicts galore. The boss triggers me to think "N-Father;" my co-worker is so much like my N-sister, its scary. She is the "queen bee" and what she says goes. Its tough to get away from them, but I'm working on it. Also on detaching.