By the time I was ten my assessment of myself was one of constant, unconscious criticsm.
(((((((((((((((((((((little GS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What a fine, bright girl you are.
Thank you! You did a great job on that.
I really like the way you help take care of things, pumpkin.
Hey, GS, come help me with this! How are things going at school, midget?
Yeah, she's my sister (affectionate knuckle rub).
I am the luckiest father in the world. C'mere, you. **
That's my daughter!

That is exactly what I needed! How did you know?? Thank you sweetie!
C'mere, GS, we need another hand for this game.
First one to bed wins the pillow fight!
I projected my familial experience onto my social experience until after a long time people had had enough. No wonder. That is one of the patterns that I have lived.
Makes perfect sense. Children, I mean sponges, are very logical that way. It's a smart behavior, when you look at it that way.
One that I can change.
You sure can. I have total faith you will.
(Just don't do it perfectly, okay?)
I think your making a huge mess out of your space and your papers is also an extremely positive thing. I just got it. I don't think you're going to be needing this much longer, GS, but maybe this big messiness and disorganization and refusal to move is a message of life and selfhood and dammit I will NOT be perfect I WILL NOT BE PERFECT and damn you people WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE JUST EXACTLY HOW NOT-PERFECT I CAN BE? LOOKIE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!
ROARRRRRRRR!Now that would make sense to me. A whole lot of sense.
I think we do a lot of things symbolically until we claim them. I think in the mess you've maybe been claiming
your absolute right not to be perfect. (And making quite a fabulous display of it too.) Does that ring any chimes for you?
So this may seem perverse but I swear it doesn't feel like it...CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR MESS, DEAR GS! It may have been a great huge life-affirming message for you all along, and it just kept getting bigger and bigger because it's a very important message from your free, happy, whole inner self and it was just going to keep going and going until you heard it!
I say, Bravo to this brilliant mess! And when you have heard it, truly heard and respected its truth...
then you won't need it any more.
(Other, easier messages in the queue. I know it.)