Author Topic: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.  (Read 3786 times)


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I am new to writing about my experiences but feeling very alone in this. I discovered that my partner of seven years has been putting away money into mutual funds and leaving me to pay almost everything. I trusted him and let him handle the finances. I was the one working and he handled the money. He accused me of frittering away the money and would badger me endlessly about it. All the while he was putting all his money into savings. For months i have felt something was wrong. I felt like i was going crazy. He started an internet affair with an old acquaintance and i think they met a time or two since February. To make matters worse his second wife ( i am the third) is sending him affectionate emails signed kisses and hugs as well. I ahve been trusting this guy and feel gutted by these discoveries. I may sound stupid but it still hurts. He said tha he wanted some time by himself and he spent it with one or the other of these women. When i told him that I had discovered his secret mail box and confronted him with this he became angry. now i am left with trying to find out how much money he squirrelled away so that i can manage to get my share out of the house that i mainly paid for. Thank god I found out about narcissists so that I could make sense out of his controlling behaviour and its profound effect on me.  He had me convinced that I was bipolar and every time i tried to raise an issue so that we could talk about it he would accuse me of having an episode. I became very depressed and unable to work. My self esteem is very low and  I cry a lot.  I wanted to tell my story. If it can help someone else ... good. Somehow I crawled out from under all the denial and realized what was going on. To my surprise he had no remorse or took no responsiblity for his aweful behaviour. Instead it was all my fault. He tried to get me fired from work and arrested for assauting him. This is really scarey that he would be so calculating and vindictive.
Please let me know if you have experienced this and how you recovered. I can hardly move for the shock of it all.


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 05:40:01 AM »
I am new to writing about my experiences but feeling very alone in this. I discovered that my partner of seven years has been putting away money into mutual funds and leaving me to pay almost everything. I trusted him and let him handle the finances. I was the one working and he handled the money. He accused me of frittering away the money and would badger me endlessly about it. All the while he was putting all his money into savings. For months i have felt something was wrong. I felt like i was going crazy. He started an internet affair with an old acquaintance and i think they met a time or two since February. To make matters worse his second wife ( i am the third) is sending him affectionate emails signed kisses and hugs as well. I ahve been trusting this guy and feel gutted by these discoveries. I may sound stupid but it still hurts. He said tha he wanted some time by himself and he spent it with one or the other of these women. When i told him that I had discovered his secret mail box and confronted him with this he became angry. now i am left with trying to find out how much money he squirrelled away so that i can manage to get my share out of the house that i mainly paid for. Thank god I found out about narcissists so that I could make sense out of his controlling behaviour and its profound effect on me.  He had me convinced that I was bipolar and every time i tried to raise an issue so that we could talk about it he would accuse me of having an episode. I became very depressed and unable to work. My self esteem is very low and  I cry a lot.  I wanted to tell my story. If it can help someone else ... good. Somehow I crawled out from under all the denial and realized what was going on. To my surprise he had no remorse or took no responsiblity for his aweful behaviour. Instead it was all my fault. He tried to get me fired from work and arrested for assauting him. This is really scarey that he would be so calculating and vindictive.
Please let me know if you have experienced this and how you recovered. I can hardly move for the shock of it all.

First, welcome, you are in the right place.

Second, get a lawyer - preferably one who has been recommended to you.  Don't rely on the phone book or on advertising.  Sometimes the best lawyers are the smaller companies, with the keenest people working for them.

Third, do the best you can, but you will probably never find all that money.  This same thing happened to a friend of mine.  Her h never filed the proper financial declarations, and ended up taking money from her at the divorce.

I wish you well, and stick around - there is a lot of good advice and experience here.

Just thought of a fourth.  Don't tell him anything else if you find it out.  Nothing.  Knowledge is power, and as long as you have it, he cannot know how much you know unless you tell him.  Give all the information to the lawyers, and let them deal with it.


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2006, 09:31:25 AM »
Welcome Seastorm and much compassion.

It is very hard to function when you're in so much pain. It's awful.
But even if you have to crawl and haven't washed your hair in two weeks,
I echo October...the most urgent priority is to get to a good lawyer
now, and just do everything s/he tells you.

While you wait for your appointment, gather every scrap of information
you can. And I wouldn't be sure you can't retrieve a good piece of your share of things.
Some narcissists (and he certainly sounds Nish) are so arrogant that they
assume their women are too dumb to write down an account number.

Cry while you hunt through the files, but do protect yourself. There will be
time to grieve, and right now perhaps a little anger will fuel your fight.

Glad you're here, there's no place better for support and caring.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2006, 12:36:42 PM »
Thank you for replying to me. As i said I feel very alone in this. I feel crazy for loving someone who could hurt me so much. All the while he is telling me he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me.  These are the magic words and they certainly worked.
 I am in a swamp of shock and sadness. However, I did get a lawyer and he is expensive. I dont trust anyone right now except my sister. We are getting the information together.
Oddly, he left piles of information around. I let him handle all the finances as he told me I was completely incompitent. This is unlikely as i have a responsible job as a professional and have owned my own home etc.
the was that he got control was interesting. He critcized me and told me I was sick.  Wait . You might think I really am sick. I am depressed and seeing pschiatrist to monitor my medication.  I feel ashamed for the rages that i got into with him. I was trying to get him to pay some of the mortgage and expenses which he would not do. Instead he would come up with such a confabulation of bullshit and be so defensive that it was impossible.
When I would ask for help with the housework ( he did none). he would say that he is so busy picking up things off the floor that he doesn't have time to do anything else.What things on the floor???? Or he would say "You are so messy and this place is so unorganized that I don't want to do Housework". He would echo back my complaint. Does anyone have that experience.
Now he has turned me into a monster in his head and he tells my friends and family that I am mentally ill, dangerous-homocidal /suicidal, verbally abusive and on and on. My family think WHAAAAt is he talking about? What is going on???? I need to talk about this and find that it is pretty hard for anyone to listen to.
I keep feeling this shock like I was hit by a truck.


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2006, 01:12:51 PM »
His accusations sound like classic Nprojections to me, Seastorm.
The shock will pass and then your survival instincts will demand your respect more than he does.

(You do know, on some level, that he doesn't deserve your respect.)

I am so glad your sister is helping you and that you've been to a lawyer. Good going.

The heartbreak you feel now, your reminiscing over times when he said "the magic words"--this is going to pass. At some point your shock will recede, your breathing will deepen, and you'll feel some new firmness in each step you take.

It's very hard, but you will definitely be able to heal from this passage.

As rough as it is, this is your "birth canal" to a new life.

You did not deserve the contempt and mistreatment he ladled out to you.
When you come to know that, and you will, the trance of his hynotic emotional battering,
will be broken.

You're fighting awake now. That is brave and admirable.
And each day you get through is one day closer to peace. Hard to see, but it's coming.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2006, 07:51:20 PM »
thanks for the reply. not many people have replied and I wonder if I put things in a nasty way or something.
I talked to a lawyer and he was cold and not very helpful and very expensive. What can i hope for in a lawyer? How do i find a good one?
I feel so much anger that I wish my partner was dead. I cried my eyes out over the bills and receipts and during phone calls to banks. This kind of stuff is not my strength anyway.
I find this site really helpful.
I am so blown away by the ammount of lying that has gone on. I found phone bills, emails , mutual funds and more. I guess coming out of denial is a big step. No wonder people stay in denial. Opening up pandora's box isn't fun.
Has anyone dealth with a Narcissist who financially screwed them and told them they were crazy?


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2006, 10:16:07 AM »
Welcome seastorm,
My xnh left me 3 years ago very suddenly after 22 years of marriage and 2 children.  After he left, I start to discover all the lies that had been going on for years.  Some of the lies had to do with sexual behavior, some were financial and he was having an affair with a married woman.

I hired the best divorce attorney in town.  He was recommended to me by a friend whose husband is an attorney in a different kind of practice.  My x was actually referred to the same attorney, but I had gotten to him first.  One of my few victories in the early stages of the separation. 

My attorney hired a forensic accountant to investigate my xh's business affairs.  My x is self-employed in a large insurance agency which is owned by his father.  Despite the fact that my h was the one who was fooling around and left the marriage, my fil helped him to hide assets and income.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as they say.

If you didn't connect with the first attorney, keep looking.  I personally recommend a male attorney when dealing with these kind of men.  They tend to be more fearful of them.  But that's just my opinion and you may feel more comfortable with a female attorney.  I actually never really liked my attorney, but just needed to know he was going to do a good job and get me what I was entitled to.   He did that, and the kids and I are in good shape financially--which really helps you move on emotionally down the road.

Make sure you keep copies of anything relevant to your case--e-mails, bank account info, insurance policies, etc.  If you are not computer savie, have someone search your hard drive for hidden information.  If you live in a marital property state, you are entitled to half of anything which was attained during the course of the marriage.  If you brought it in, you can take it out.

Get angry and the let the anger drive you to take control of the situation.  I know it can seem overwhelming and draining, but you can't let him take advantage of you in a weakened condition.

I also recommend getting some therapy to help you with the shock and grief.  My therapist was my savior and I will forever grateful to him for seeing me through the most difficult time of my life.

Three years later, I am in a wonderful relationship with a great guy.  My kids are in college and doing great.  They have a relationship with their father, but totally understand what and who he is.  So there is light at the end of a very long and painful tunnel.  I wish you well as you begin the journey.




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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2006, 10:45:16 AM »
I sure would want Brigid by MY side if I were facing this!

Sea, the only tidbits I can think of about lawyers are:

--in my city (which isn't big) a lawyer friend advised me to get a "free consultation" with the top 3 divorce lawyers in town. I asked around and local women gave me names. I confirmed the names with my friend. Then I had a 15-minute (no charge) "initial consultation" with each of them, and chose one. THAT meant that my exH could not use any of these lawyers, because even if you've just had one brief consultation with a lawyer, they cannot then represent your spouse. So that was savvy and I'm glad I did it. Also, each time I talked to one my awkwardness with the process diminished. I began to feel more in control of my life.

--The other thing is an analogy. If your car were broken down, would you want the grumpy mechanic who barely talked to you but clearly knew his stuff and had a reputation for good work, or the sensitive young one who held your hand but would do a sloppy job and rip you off? Here's the advice: Forget about "bedside manner" in a divorce attorney. They should be reasonably kind, at least enough not to further traumatise you, and they should be experienced enough to be calm if you're crying but not cruelly cold. (It's an everyday occurence for them.) But my main point is, don't look for emotional comfort from an attorney...they're not trained nor necessarily inclined to be soothing.

DO see a therapist to get the emotional and psychological support you need now. I think you'll be surprised how soon your spine will firm and some deep determination will mesh with the T's support and you'll be a heck of a lot more able to do this battle for yourself than you realize.

Have faith. You won't cry forever, and taking action is going to relieve some of the pain.

Hang in there,
PS: Just want to underscore what October said, to Keep Your Own Counsel--
Don't tell him anything else if you find it out.  Nothing.  Knowledge is power, and as long as you have it, he cannot know how much you know unless you tell him.  Give all the information to the lawyers, and let them deal with it.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2006, 10:50:13 AM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2006, 02:10:23 PM »
Hi Sea,

I totally agree with the advice to hire a lawyer for his expertise and a counselor for emotional support. Your attorney needs to be respectful, but his emotional availability is not a priority.

Reality has no bearing in an N's mind. He is totally driven by his agendas, and even if he knows he's lying and he knows you know he's lying and that you are both aware he's lying, he will continue to do it and then bash you over the head, act offended and incensed with rage if you disagree or even remotely hint that he may not be telling the truth. I mean how dare you???

Even though I know this, it still amazes me when it happens...I just don't go into as deep a shock, but it still just blows me away. However, instead of wasting my time trying to have a good faith discussion with someone who has no interest in it now, I just put a real quick end to the conversation. The best thing is to not step into it in the first place, and I'm getting better at that.

Just remind yourself that eventually you'll be able to put as much distance between you and him as possible some day, and if you don't have any children together you can start counting your blessings now.

Sounds like you're doing what you need to do to reclaim your financial assets. And I'm glad your family knows better. Some N's are so slick and deceptive behind their false images they can fool a lot of people. They reserve their punishing craziness only for those closest to them, though eventually they can slip, especially if anyone is around them for any length of time.

It will get better, honestly.



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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2006, 06:20:41 AM »
thanks for the reply. not many people have replied and I wonder if I put things in a nasty way or something.
I talked to a lawyer and he was cold and not very helpful and very expensive. What can i hope for in a lawyer? How do i find a good one?

No, you didn't put anything in a nasty way.  ((((((((hugs))))))))

Everyone here is hurt, in different ways, and some people can give, while others need support for a while.  The number of posts varies, and sometimes there are only a few, but for every one who posts there are five or more (I think!) who cannot post for whatever reason, but who are on your side.

I am not up to much at present, but to help you, here is a description of my friend B's exh.

He earned less than she did, but always belittled her work.  He accused her of being weak and incompetent, of always giving in to people, and of letting them walk all over her.  She was a lecturer in further education.  He stacked shelves in a warehouse.

He demanded that the house be spotlessly clean, and would not let her put any pictures, even of their children, or mirrors on the walls.

He dug plants out of the garden after she planted them, because they were untidy.

He did no housework himself, and complained if the car was dirty, but never cleaned it.

He called her 'dirty', when in fact her house sparkled.  His verbal abuse escalated, the more she pulled back from the relationship.  (She has never told me exactly what he accused her of, but only that it was nasty stuff.)

When they divorced he refused financial disclosure.

He took the children out and let them play in a playground while he sat in the car, reading a paper or asleep.  His 5 year old d fell off a slide and broke her arm, and he didn't know until another parent knocked on the car window and told him.  He took her home to her mother four hours later, and her mother took her to casualty, and a fracture was found.

He accused the hospital of 'professional collaboration' with the mother, and said there was no fracture.

He accused the court, the judge, the lawyers on both sides, of all sorts of incompetence in dealing with the divorce, when they complained that he had not complied with the orders of the court.  He blamed B for information he did not provide, saying she had not given it to him.

He brought a card and present for the d on her birthday, knocked loudly on the door for half an hour, then left, taking the present and card with him.  B and both children were present, but did not dare open the door.

B ended up having to remortgage her home to pay him a substantial amount of money as his share, and receives no maintenance for their 2 children.  Bank accounts in his name remained undisclosed, and savings hidden, right to the end.  (I think her lawyers were not sharp enough, and that he ran rings round them all.)

She now lives in a state of siege, and never opens the curtains at the front of their house at all.  Sometimes she sees his car at the end of her road, just sitting there, with him watching the house.

She has succeeded in getting an order for no contact for her children, and a divorce for herself. 

All of this is just to show some behaviours which others have seen, so that you know you are not alone in this, neither are you mad.  But it is in the interests of the N to make you believe that you are being unreasonable, so that they can carry on doing what they are doing, and you can carry on letting them.

In terms of the lawyer, if you are having trouble, perhaps a better first step would be a women's group; look in the phone book for a refuge or shelter for battered women (which is what you are, whether he has laid a hand on you or not), and see if there is someone you can talk to.  They should be able to recommend a more sympathetic lawyer to you, as well as give you advice about counselling.

I wish you well, and keep posting.


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2006, 09:02:20 PM »
Thank you for the incredibly helpful replies to all the people who responded. I cling to this site lite a lifesaver.
I got another lawyer and will talk to him and check him out. I went to a therapist who is familiar with spousal abuse and did EMDR which is rapid eye movement desensitization so that I will be able to stand up to the bully in him.  My emotional survival depends on how strong I can be at this point as I dig around and find more and more information about affairs and his hiding money in mutual funds. For some reason I came out of denial and felt that I had had enough. It could have been the antidepressants I started to take that allowed me the distance i needed.
I knew it would hurt but I didn't know how much. God bless the kind people out there who have listened to the hardest music my heart has ever played.


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2006, 09:56:20 PM »
hi seastorm,

I'm sorry I have not replied before now.  I have been reading your posts, searching for some comforting words for you.

you do not sound "too angry" - just fragile...and hey, you're allowed 


I did EMDR with my therapist before last - this was beneficial and I think it helped.

I think you will find the strength within to recover from this devastating N, please know that I do care and am wishing you the best. 

p bean


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2006, 10:39:48 PM »
Rather than being embarrassed, I think you should feel proud that you have decided to make a change. WELCOME!!!!!
The suggestions thus far have been clear and good - get a lawyer, make a plan, get OUT!!!!
Please post more and let us know how you're doing and what you're thinking and if we can suggest anything (we've got some pretty smart people hanging around!!!).
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2006, 11:36:02 PM »
Hello Seastorm,
welcome to the site.  I am so glad you found it and that people have helped you already.
Don't think people don't respond due to something wrong in your post.  There is nothing wrong in what you wrote.  I personally only read it today.   But I'm glad others were there for you.

I know you are reeling from the pain.   The good thing is you have support form your sister and other family.  I agree that job one should be the legal aspect.  Get him occupied trying to keep his ill-gotten gains, and he will not have time to defame you all over the place.

Why do people like this exist!  They are like flies, which seem to be on the earth only to torment and spread disease.

You have a beautiful voice.    I care and will be looking out for you.  Wishing you strength.


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Re: narcissistic partner with secret lovers and secret bank accounts.
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2006, 04:22:52 AM »

I knew it would hurt but I didn't know how much. God bless the kind people out there who have listened to the hardest music my heart has ever played.

You are doing so well, I am full of admiration.  You found another lawyer, and you found a therapist, and you are gathering information as you go.

I know this all hurts more than you ever knew it could hurt, but you are doing all the right things.  Well done!!