Hounded, welcome
Thank you for your thank you!

I’ll ask questions to encourage you to think differently, and because sometimes I don’t understand and don’t want to assume. I hope this is okay with you? I'll put your words in
italics, that I'd like to ask questions about.
I guess you’re a verbally and emotionally abusive person, in your opinion?
I’ll say straight off that in your post above, you sure don’t sound like one, not in your post. Are you a ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ type person?
My wife and I have been in counseling for over 18 months and yes I have had some significant growth. Our current counselor has my wife convinced that I'm narcissistic, I don't agree.So the counsellor has put this to both of you, together, and your wife agrees and you don’t? What does the counsellor say to you, in response to your disagreement?
My wife's quote is 18 months ago I was a 10 on the abuser scale - today I am a 3. What does the counsellor say? Is the counsellor also monitoring your wife’s behaviour? Are you giving your wife points out of 10 too?! I’m just wondering if the whole relationship is made your responsibility, when any reciprocal relationship takes two people responsible for their own parts in it.
I thought - hey you should be happy look at that progress - Wrong - I know I need to be a ZERO. Who should be happy – you or her? Who do you need to be a zero for – you or her? I’m guessing here you mean she isn’t happy and she thinks you need to be a zero. If so, I’d like to know what you think about yourself.
I try to rationalize my behavior- Something I wish I could stop (Any suggestions)Can you give us an example please? Do you get angry, shout and swear and then say it’s because you’re tired, for example?
How do you get to be a ZERO on the abuser scale when the person you love and have hurt badly keeps challenging you? What do you mean by challenging you? Is she baiting you so that you get angry?
I don't blame her for having no more patience with me, again I couldn't blame her is she took the kids and left. You speaking here sounds so unlike any narcissistic person I’ve known. I’ve not known anyone with N tendencies want to take responsibility as much as you seem to want to.
Not for my behavior today - yes it is still wrong - just not so bad (or doesn't it matter - need help here) Can’t answer your question there I’m afraid. I don’t know if your behaviour is wrong or not. If behaviour hurts others, then it hurts others. I still don’t know if it’s ‘wrong’ though. Is it wrong of me if I shout and swear at someone who is constantly using sarcastic remarks to hurt me? Grey areas.
, but what I have done in the past. I know its right of her to have limited patience with my behavior, but trying to overcome all of my own issues is tough. (Writing this I know I am wrong here too). I don’t think that I would leave another person today, for things that I know have happened in the past, if those things aren’t happening now. It depends of course, but leaving for past events? Unusual.
Why were you wrong writing that above? Overcoming bad behaviours is tough. Is that wrong? maybe I misunderstood there (it’s easy to misunderstand when we only have writing!)
I just want to please my wife.Does she try and please you sometimes too?
I don’t think this is the wrong forum for you Hounded. You sound hounded. This is a forum for people who have been ‘voiceless’ at some point in their lives and from what you say, I imagine you were a voiceless child?
I hope you will post more here and in doing so that you will come to feel less nuts!
Welcome hounded
