Author Topic: It doesn't have to be such hard work  (Read 6334 times)


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It doesn't have to be such hard work
« on: November 07, 2006, 04:03:19 AM »
I have been on a few threads lately which I have tried to contribute to, but which have rapidly become far deeper than I can deal with, in terms both of intellectual content and emotional content.

I know everyone here wants healing and wants it FAST, but I do not see that it has to be such hard work, nor indeed that such hard work is actually the way to go.

What heals me is not great long posts about the finer points of anything.  What heals me is being with people who understand my pain, because they have had pain of their own, and who can laugh or cry with me.  I am very happy if others can discuss finer details and go deeper than I am able to, but this is not the only way, and it may not even be the best way for many of us.  But where I see that someone has grasped one aspect, and then wants to share it, I often also see more than a shade of superiority also creeping in, and more than a little lecturing to us lesser mortals about our failure to grasp what the other thinks they have grasped.

If anyone has found any issue worth resolving, why not talk about yourself, and how this worked, rather than giving theory only?

So, just my twopennorth about keeping it real, and about us, rather than disconnected, and about theory.


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 06:59:10 AM »
Hi October

A lot of people here are talking and thinking about Karpman dynamics and pattern recognition, about triangulation, and cycles of abuse, and other issues, because of such long posts. A lot of people have applied these concepts to things that have happened to them, or things they have discovered that they do themselves, and been able to see and do and recognize things that they hadn't before.

Not because the posters are some kind of geniuses, but because the ideas being posted are hard to come across, and aren't often discussed in the press and on TV. So when they appear, there's an 'aha'! moment and people can use the concepts immediately.

The fact that these ideas aren't highly visible and aren't often discussed out in the mainstream helps to keep people in the dark about things that contribute significantly to recovery. Such things are very visible and frequently discussed in ACOA groups and other places. People bring them here to share what has helped them, in the hope that it will help others.

There is always the option to leave these posts unread, always the option to refrain from responding. There is a saying in ACOA and in AA: Take what helps you, and leave the rest. To try to deprive others of things that have helped them, substantially and materially, simply because you have no interest in it or don't find the pace of presentation comfortable, is like saying that nobody should have access to college preparatory courses because you personally do not intend to go to college. Your choice is your choice, and you are free to choose, but not to limit others' options.

I'm sorry these things don't help you, but as long as they help others - and they do - I will be continuing to post here, and I hope that others who share similarly will continue to do so as well.

In terms of being able to share pain, when I have shared mine, have I received a supportive response here? Have people here who have tried to hurt me acknowledged my pain, considered their part in it, and made any effort to make amends? Not yet, although I've seen rationalization, attack, and gang-style bullying here aplenty [and I am reasonably certain that some of the latter is being attempted right now].

And given the fact that we are all here because important people in our lives have refused to acknowledge our pain, consider their part in it, and make any effort to make amends, and may even have retaliated against us when we tried to get them to consider it, even enlisting other family members to help in bullying us -- I think it's important for this pattern to be seen.

What we do not hand back, we hand on, and that very thing is happening right here, right now.

Recognizing these things for what they are isn't lecturing or superior, it's a necessary part of learning to see through the smoke and mirrors in order to hold onto health when dysfunctional responses threaten to overwhelm it. Pointing them out when I see and experience them isn't lecturing or superiority either. It's saying: this is what it looks like, learn the signs, learn to recognize this when it happens to you.

In cyberspace, nothing ever happens in isolation.What is said here doesn't vanish into the air, it leaves a trace, it can be examined. There are witnesses to every event. Onlookers can learn and see, even if and when the participants cannot. And sometimes, if the participants come back later, they can see in the cold light of morning what they could not see in the heat of their emotions. Without having to wonder what they really said, and what the other really said, because it's all there in print.

Sharing what you have learned isn't lecturing or superiority, unless it is lecturing and superior to share water with people on a desert crossing. Hinting that you know things - hinting that you can see what others do not, and using that as a means of putting them down - holding onto information and refusing to share it, or sharing it only in jargon and buzzwords to deliberately prevent understanding; that[/b] is lecturing and superior, and nobody is doing that here.

I hope that I will be willing to share whatever I have learned, in clear words and in whatever depth is necessary to do justice to the concepts, whenever it can do some good, as long as I am capable of sharing it.

With regard to the business of trying to get people to acknowledge their part in causing pain: just for the record, I suspect this is a lost cause. It looks like a no-win situation; pointing out the behavior just causes defensiveness and intensifies the attacking impulse, but the behavior will continue unless it's pointed out.

I would long ago have stopped attempting to communicate with certain people here, if we were in realspace. But in realspace, there are conversations, and physical distance, rooms and tables and chairs, doors that can be closed. It's easy to see when someone is being intrusive, or disruptive, or heckling. On a message board, there aren't conversations. It's all-comers, all the time. So people from whom I would long ago have politely but firmly disengaged in realspace keep coming back around, and often even demand acknowledgement [just imagine for two seconds what that would look like in a realspace conversation!]. Confrontation is unavoidable in such situations. It's about the only option that exists for setting a boundary.

I have closed the doors that I can close here, by blocking PMs from the people with whom these problems seem unresolvable. They are free to do likewise with me, and to refrain from reading and replying to my posts on the board.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 08:05:28 AM by Stormchild »
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 08:12:02 AM »
You'll have to answer that for yourself, Portia.

I have provided ample information, and have no interest in further head games with you.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 09:58:29 AM »
Hi October,

For me, in some of the windy posts, so many"you" messages and I think sometimes an overuse of the presumptive "we" make it harder to appreciate the offer of "special" information. Anybody who Googles psychology subjects will run into most of these. To me, though I know many are enthusiastic about new information, essays are impersonal, not a conversation. I'd rather be alerted here to a link that someone has posted on What Helps. Or, if someone would like to offer a long explanation of a concept, I'd rather they did that on What Helps, so here we could return to talking to each other about our lives, offering and seeking support.

It's always healthy to ask for what we want, ask a person to consider another point of view, or  ask a person to answer a question. Courtesy and maturity can't be imposed, though, darn it.  :

We can't control a reply, or do anything about passive-aggressive behavior such as snubbing, shunning or the silent treatment. I think the trick is to notice it, and thereafter engage when you want to for your own benefit, while letting go of the outcome. Note the response (or lack of response) pattern and take it at face value. Just keep sowing your seeds whenever you want to, without expectation.

(VERY easy to write but not so easy to put into practice, speaking for myself!)  :?

I look forward to talking more with you, October.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 11:25:42 AM »
There is a lot of good stuff in this thread...I'm busily copying and pasting.

I have to say that each person that has posted thus far has contributed to increasing my personal knowledge.  thanks!



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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 12:07:01 PM »

It's great you benefit from the different ways we have here.  :) Preferences are just that. Not survival requirements. (I remember a T talking to me once, asking me to think hard about the difference between preference and need. Changing my self-talk to preference as often as possible really makes me feel better, generally.)


I love: Ask for what you want and let go of the outcome.
It's helped me a lot.
Particularly when I slip into trying to control situations or people. Saying that to myself highlights the boundary between what is my responsibility or what's in my control, and what's not. (It also sort of leads me into the next thought, which is the Victor Frankl thing: If I don't get what I want, what is the worst that could happen, and what choices would I have then? Sometimes I resist it, but when I ask that, I find there's always a choice I can make.) Those linked thoughts go together in a way that strengthens my sense of self. Not sure exactly how, but it's calming. It's steadying. Makes me feel stronger.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2006, 12:28:19 PM »
Ain't voted yet, been lolling around.
I'm going soon. Sometimes bothers me that NMom and I have always voted the opposite ticket, so I tend to think of my vote as valuable only in that it cancels hers (or vice versa)!

Later this afternoon I'm going to a "phone party" to call undecided voters and urge them to get to the polls.

More later, signing off for now.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 04:18:56 PM »
"I'd rather ..." is just what I'd prefer. I don't expect to "get my way", Jac. Explaining a preference doesn't equal giving an order. I don't expect anybody to do any more than read and that only if they want to. Honest.

I know I'm also sensitive to some of the essay-ishl posts for emotional mother's main form of guiding me was to literally lecture me until my head spun and I could barely breathe. Year and year I was so flooded with her opinions I could barely form m own. She "bore down" with information and opinion, it was a flood. So I'm sure that also figures into my occasional resistence here. I don't think it's unhealthy, though it might be annoying.

That's nothing to do with you, though, and you are completely right, you should keep posting in whatever way makes sense to you. As should everyone.

I think it's okay for me to comment though. I can say I'd like it better this way or that way. That doesn't mean anybody needs to agree with me. I love the freedom of the board, An opinion, even an annoying one, isn't an order...

(That said, Jac, I'll give some serious thought whether there's any need for me to repeat this...I know I mentioned it a while back. If it's triggering a lot of pain for you, I don't want to do that.)

telling me to shut up

I ain't. Don't want you to shut up at all, Jac. Sorry I've annoyed you so.

When I examine my halo, it's got dents, heavy tarnish, and rust spots.
I'll jam it back on my head and keep on learning, okay?


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 06:00:13 PM »
You can't control how I express myself or how I choose to express my experience in regards to abuse, voicelessness or what have you.

I don't want to, Jac.

Jac, I'm sorry. You're having trouble believing me. I really hit a nerve and I apologize for hurting you, not if I hurt you.

I can understand why it was divisive for me to complain about "essays"...and I quit.

I apologize to you, Jac.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2006, 09:44:46 PM »
As in Accept the results, but do not anticipate the results :)
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2006, 06:56:16 PM »
To all my friends, love and gratitude.

To all those whose egos have been damaged, sorry about that, but it is bound to happen from time to time.  Shame so many people are taking my honest expression of my own personal limitations personally.  Rather bizarre to find people offended by my apparent inability to worship at their feet, or keep a serious topic serious, but there you go.

There is a fine line between investigating issues in order to achieve personal growth, and share the path to that growth with others, and the alternative, which is being as Moses.  So, if I could suggest a theme for the next thesis from Mount Sinai, humility might be interesting, and projection seems long overdue some consideration, given what I have seen in some of the responses on here. 

And anyone feeling angry is choosing that, so they can have that particular monkey back.  I could choose that myself, if I had the energy, but I don't, so I will laugh instead.  Mainly at what people are rebuking me for saying, which is often completely different from what I actually said.  Maybe some of you might care to revisit my post, without the defensiveness, and see that it is actually all about me, and not about you.  Or does that too appear narcissistic, to those who are projecting?  Frankly, my dears, I don't give a damn.  Just 'cos you feel it, doesn't make it true.

<October takes match, sets fire to her bridges, and warms her hands at the blaze>

Live long and prosper, all.

Au revoir.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 07:24:02 PM by October »


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2006, 07:23:31 PM »
Here comes the fireboat, sending huge lovely arcs of salty spray, drenching October's flaming raft, singing jolly sea shanties...

Please reconsider tomorrow if you can, October. Meanwhile, I can't see through the spray but I'm chugging this fireboat anyhow.

I would miss you.  :(
I know we all would.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 09:55:41 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2006, 07:28:48 PM »
Here comes the fireboat, sending huge lovely arcs of salty spray, drenching October's flaming raft, singing jolly sea shanties...

Please reconsider tomorrow if you can, October. Meanwhile, I can't see through the spray but I'm chugging this fireboart anyhow.

I would miss you.  :(
I know we all would.


Thanks for the lifebelt, Hops.  I love you too.

Today is very bad.  I  have heard that my therapy is not going to happen for another three months.

That is not anyone's problem but mine, but I am very alone tonight.  Everyone has gone, and the earth is at a great distance.  Fortunately for me, I know that just because it feels that way, doesn't make it real. 

And people are angry with me for asking, can't we keep this real?

What is so challenging to people's ego defences to request that we keep it grounded and not theoretical?  That is not a blanket condemnation of every post, and every poster.  What language am I speaking in, that the words start this end meaning one thing, and yet turn into something else when read elsewhere, and generate such animosity?

This is not unusual.  I have a gift for finding people's Achilles' heel, without even knowing it, and generating disproportionate responses.  Just lucky, I guess.   :?

Beyond me at present.  Taking a sabbatical, to go temporarily insane.


« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 07:30:45 PM by October »


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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2006, 08:49:11 PM »
hi October,

ick, that is a real problem, not being able to see your therapist for three months?  Por que?  If I may ask?


real pain, real fire, real burns, real scary, real real real...sometimes I prefer less reality, you?



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Re: It doesn't have to be such hard work
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2006, 12:25:34 AM »
Hi, October

What language am I speaking in, that the words start this end meaning one thing, and yet turn into something else when read elsewhere, and generate such animosity?
This is not unusual.  I have a gift for finding people's Achilles' heel, without even knowing it, and generating disproportionate responses.  Just lucky, I guess.   Confused

We called it Post Office in High School, but it was fun back then. :lol:  I empathize with your frustration at being misunderstood.  It happens to me ALL the time.   It appears to me that some people who claim to allow freedoms to others, usually have stipulations that restrict those freedoms to their own personal value system. 
I think I understood what you originally meant.  Theory can go pretty far "out there" and I am certainly one to get way too caught up in my head and forget to attach my heart and bring it all back to reality for some true healing.  Theory is wonderful in its place.  The only way to learn, reach out, grasp at ideas, changes, etc.  But I understand your "impatience" (my word) with the amount of theorizing that takes place here sometimes. 
It is my feeling that we cannot always be in that emotional place where the real pain is, we have to move away in order to be rational about it all. 
So, maybe it really DOES have to be that hard sometimes, for some people. 
IMHO   :)

thank you for your opinion
