have discovered kids dont get diagnosed Till over 18. Am sure she does not have "it" just terribly thoughtless, selfish, and a victim of genes and upbringing. Being apart from her father best thing I could ever have done for her. What could she learn by me staying? A LOT of bad stuff. Like being a phoney fake, thoughtless, selfish, take all you can person WORKS, becuase for her father, it DID!!!
Have got us a phsychoanalist who knows a bit about it - though I suspect not much more than I already know myself. Am seeing him myself for some support, but only been once. He recons am so needy myself, after years and years of coping with everything, that am not coping well with her, and I agree. Am the adult, but lost my strenght, my confidence my clarityy and myself a bit, I guess. I managed my life quite well, but now, its got a lot harder, for the time being at least, so am I better now, or was I better then - for her??? Well, prob neither.....But life's along game!
When they say that physically leaving them is the easy bit......its just sooooo true, and very much in my case.
Am at stage of desperately trying to cease all but neceasary contact. But the wind-ups never stop- the attempts to hook me in. I have good days and bad days. Today started good, and WAS a good day in general, but by 2pm my guts start that terrible churning. Its hurt and its fear of what lies ahead, and how much worse is it going to get? In over a year, have only managed to leave physically, which, for him is the least of it. Regular contact, status, money - a company director who doesnt work - he still has to loose those things, and those are what will bother him, and it terrifies me. Divorcing an N?? Take it day at a time! Focus on the light - I tell myself each and every day.
I was stronger when I was there with him, I could never have predicted this journey I am travelling. But know what? Never an option. A true N MAKES you leave one day... Its essential to the phsyche. Give em everything and they HAVE to push and push. This is the BIGGEST learning curve of my whole life. The biggest challenge I have ever faced. But one that I MUST face. And those who cant make up their minds - stay or go - I sympathise - I lived it - for years and years. But your time WILL come, and if not... he/she will leave you, cos you wont be who you were, You too will be an empty shell, and of little use to a true N.
I will guide my children through their lives, as best I can. I could never have done that from the place I was in. We have a future not blighted by destruction and chaos and damage and hurt for the very first time. x