Hi, I would like to put my penny worth to this, and apologise in advance!!!
A newcomer here, I asked for some advice, and I got it, it was great.
I returned a few times. Tho having read through this thread, not sure if I will bother again.
I tend to find the threads laborious to read through, and frankly a bit high brow for me. I often dont understand them at all. They make me feel that I lack sufficient intelligence to contribute, and seem like, (to me anyway, pos cos I dont tend to stay here long, cos) too much time spent reading through personal bitching sessions between a select few who analyse and overanalyse, and perhaps some who underanalyse.............I really dont know!!!! But its not for me. I appreciated the time spent giving me feedback and help, but wonder how many, like me, come and go, without the time or inclination to read through so many personal messges between old friends/enemies and big long analytical, whats the point of this anyway, type postings.
Sorry folks, but thats more or less, give or take, how I feel. Said as best I can, and already feeling bad about it.