I just remembered something I did this summer which totally backfired...Don't know why, but I want to share it...
When I lived with my parents and we went anywhere in the car, my mother would always get lost. She never, to this day (25 plus years later) has figured out where the roads go in our teeny town, no less how to get to the next towns.She can memorize a basic route, very basic...They played this game where dad was the "smartone with the sense of direction" and mom was the "ditzy little one, always lost."They tried to pigeon-hole me into that cute, lack of direction type... they love to compare my sister to me... and she is the one with the "good sense of direction." It's all hogwash.At any rate, if my mother was lost (95% of the time) and I told her which way to go, she would get pissed and take "her way" until she found something she knew and felt triumphant. Not hard to do when there are two main roads in the whole state.
So, I am there this summer and any time we are in the car, my father is driving, but my sister tells him where to turn, even if he knows...and they respect her and cater to her!!!!!! So, and here's where I amde an ass of myself, I say, "If I tried to give you directions, you wouldn't even listen to ME." Out of the blue. And they all look at me like I have three heads, pause for a minute uncomfortably like I had farted in front of the Queen. Then they went back on with their dysfunctional, Your Sister Is Amazing In Every Way routine.
Sorry, I needed to get that out...
thanks to anyone who made it through.
Love, Beth