the only thing that can help ease the tensions with Anna is for her to MOVE OUT again and STAY OUT!
I just had a really bad situation happen.
I came home from working at the restaurant all day, only to find that the neighbor's kid down the street, taught my 7 year old to jump off shed roofs. She hurt her ankle very badly, sprained I think, but not broken. My i. s. o. (insignificant other I"d like to divorce right now), made light of it with a "boys will be boys" attitude and a story of how HE used to jump of roofs all the time, etc. I keep trying to tell him AMBER IS A GIRL, NOT A BOY!!! She is fragile, but nonetheless, I'd be ticked about my sons jumping off roofs as well! It is DANGEROUS and could be FATAL! I am upset and furious and beside myself at the moment about this. I just told i.s.o. that I WILL NOT go to the restaurant EVER AGAIN UNLESS AMBER IS WITH ME! I will NOT LEAVE HER UNSUPERVISED BY HER MOTHER, as I did for 3 1/2 years with the other girls. I REFUSE!
I'm going to go out to my car and cry out to God awhile now. Thanks for listening and pray that he is not able to GUILT me into breaking my stand on this.