Gosh do I know what you mean... I wish I could just LIVE sometimes and not work through everything every day... I wish I didn't have to analyze the wall papaer... I remember reading War and Peace and Levin started working the fields... he was a huge thinker. But when enhausted from physical labor, he was content and the thinking abated... Maybe we need a collective farm?????
Kelly, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's friend. What a tragedy. How is she handling it?
GS... It was hard for me this week too and I was beginning to despair we'd never be back together. I tried to look up other stuff, but my heart wasn't in it. I missed all of you too much.
Moon, 123, bones, Dr. Grossman, storm, jac, bean, laura, october, portia, mr mud, CH (where are you), hops, ANS, anansi, LoH, sela, write, everyone... those I didn't name... just means my blond head isn't quite clear yet this morning, but I missed you all.
Love, Beth