Author Topic: Angelic intervention  (Read 3156 times)


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Angelic intervention
« on: December 06, 2006, 06:59:03 AM »
I bought a book about angels (Discovering Angels, by Christine Astel), and it has several suggestions for getting them on your side with particular problems.  Anyway, I tried this one, and it has helped create a distance between myself and the beloved toxic ones.  I am a very visual person, and I can use the imagery it contains to maintain emotional distance. 

So, for anyone who would like to try it, here is my version, which is very close to the original, but changed a bit (Michael is traditionally described as a beautiful young man, usually in Greek or Roman style armour and carrying a sword):

1   Sit comfortably in your meditational space, in whatever way feels safe to you.
2   Invite the archangel Michael to come close to you, and visualise him drawing near you.
3   Picture the person or people who you feel are holding you back.
4   Visualise a large figure of eight made from rope, surrounded by golden light.  Place the person(s) in one loop and yourself in the other, at a comfortable distance.  If it helps, Visualise supportive loved ones in your loop protecting you, with you in the centre.
5   Now see Michael's sword cutting through the intersection of the figure of eight.  Watch the rope as it frays, thread by thread.
6   Wish the person(s) in the other loop well on their path, and thank them for allowing you the freedom to continue along your own path unhindered.  Watch as it moves away from you, but you stay still and centred.
7   Thank the archangel Michael for his help, and then sit quietly in the presence of your guardian angel for a while.  Gradually bring your attention back to your surroundings.


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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2006, 10:41:15 AM »
Thankyou for this wonderful excercise October!

It's such a powerful set of images.   I love the positive forces in it and the release it encourages.

 :D Sela


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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2006, 01:04:59 PM »
Hi All   

When I was a small child I grew up in a house with roses growing all around it .

There were beautiful multicolored blooms and my sweet mom took loving care of them.

OK now I already told everyone weirdo kid that I was ...........I thought I saw fairies living in the honeysuckle flowers.

Well back to the roses When I was a little girl ..... I "saw" angels in the rose garden do not laugh I get kidded enough for these stories.

My kids laugh but ask what they looked like anyway.

What my vivid "imagination" recalls seeing was golden light vibrating at a very fast pace rose and violet colors and a feeling of total love and one time I thought I am not worthy of this love the angels disappeared.

I told my mom about the fairies and the rose angels and she just said I had a vivid imagination.

kids are funny huh



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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2006, 09:40:34 PM »
Aww, Moon.
You're a hummingbird.

You teach me that it IS possible to reclaim the glowing inner child.
Or uncover her for the first time.
Doesn't matter!


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

sea storm

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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2006, 01:42:43 AM »
Thank you for the image of the angel Michael. I think there is a part of me that is so happy to be given such beauty. I believe in caring for the subconscious. On very rough nights I would invite my ancestors ( Scottish and Danish ) to come to me and help. I would light candles and burn incense and ring bells and move the energy of grief that permeated the house. I think spirits and events can live on in a house. Honoring the depth of the experience was important and I did it alone. I would pray for guidance and surrender my burden to the  universe, god, the goddess and all that is.
In a lot of ways my prayers have been answered. There is more real love in my life rather than the illusion or delusion of love that was destroying me.
sea storm


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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2006, 01:32:49 PM »
I loved the image of Michael in that picture.  It is slightly different from my own imaginings, but just as powerful; I love how strong he is, and the drawn sword, not as an offensive weapon, but as a weapon of protection and warning. 

There are other meditations in the book as well, but that one is my favourite.  I particularly like distancing from people, but remaining in a loving frame of mind towards them.  I think that is a very positive thing to do for ourselves.  I can't 'reach' the others yet.  But I will post some of them, in case they help other people.  They each call on a different archangel.

Meanwhile, the distancing imagery is helping for me, which is a good thing. 

Moonlight, you say that you saw angels when you were younger.  Maybe you should look again; they haven't gone anywhere, maybe you just forgot how to see them.  I think if you look again, you will find them again.

Thanks, all.  ((((((((hugs))))))))


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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2006, 11:20:07 PM »
Hi October ,

OK NOW YOU GOT ME GOING .....................

The Christmas Eve morning right after my sweet mom passed away I was in the kitchen fixing breakfast for my 2 daughters and hubby.

I remember a feeling of her spirit around and within me and the feeling was very heartwarming and then I smelled roses all around me very intense.

There were no flowers in the house no perfume etc.

I do not know how to explain the experience But my "vivid" imagination was working over time that Christmas Eve morning.........

YES There are Rose Angels ALSO healing angels and quite a few wonderful ones right here on the board................................. :D :D :D

Love to you


I am sure this is seen as magical thinking but at the time I was quite at peace with my mom's passing and was simply busy making breakfast .
Mr Moon is all scientist and still apart of him understands and was with me when I had this experience and accepts it as a matter of fact


« Last Edit: December 07, 2006, 11:44:22 PM by moonlight »


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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2006, 09:43:58 AM »

I am sure this is seen as magical thinking but at the time I was quite at peace with my mom's passing and was simply busy making breakfast .
Mr Moon is all scientist and still apart of him understands and was with me when I had this experience and accepts it as a matter of fact


Your experience with your mother is beautiful, Moonlight.  I wish you many more days of the scent of roses from nowhere, and your mother's presence.

As for this being magical thinking, it isn't at all.  I checked it out once with a psychiatrist, in a moment of curiosity, and found that because angels are an accepted part of our culture, it is not unknown, nor unhealthy, for some people to see or hear or otherwise experience the presence of angels.  There is a kind of safety in numbers, if you like.  Psychiatry cannot say we are wrong, just because they are not fortunate enough to share these visions.  Therefore they do not automatically count as hallucinations or psycopathy (that would happen at the point where the person could not tell what is vision and what is part of the 'real' world, or where the visions become nasty or malign, I think). 

As far as I am concerned, I am certain the angels are all around us all the time.  When I take the trouble to look, I see them there.  But mostly I don't look for them, because the veil is there for a reason; our attention is meant to be on those around us, and on serving one another.  It is nice from time to time to be reminded that the angels are there, to serve us in their turn, but it is not right for us to ignore the world we live in, and focus only on heaven.



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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2006, 10:24:45 AM »
October ,

I was a little nervous to talk about such experiences well because some people would say what a nutty lady......... huh

Another time when my mom was in the hospital the day she passed away .........well really the night before I was at home.........
 the doctors said she was fine and "would be going home tomorrow"

well I went to the hospital early I was alone with mom she was a little disoriented and I held her until she was herself again .
But the night before I had been up all night reading the Bible .When I went in to see her that morning she said to me
"you must be tired after being here with me all night".

I guess she must have felt me strongly there with her..

She was a fine lady

« Last Edit: December 08, 2006, 02:22:26 PM by moonlight »


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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2006, 11:27:46 AM »

But the night before I had been up all night reading the Bible .When I went in to see her that morning she said to me
"you must be tried after being here with me all night".

I guess she must have felt me strongly there with her..

She was a fine lady


She certainly was (and is). 

I love to hear you speak of her, so feel free to tell as many of these memories as you like.  ((((((Moon))))))


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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2006, 12:20:31 PM »
Mom came from the south with an innocence and sweetness that was a delight.
There was one time she got mad at me that was when I did not like the nerdy glasses I
wore and I so wished I did not need glasses I kept on losing them on purpose .
(also when I sold one of her favorite books for a quarter)

I can see her sashaying down the long driveway with her 3 tiny white poodles following her to the mail box.Beautiful figure

Mom in tweeds looking very British (well she was English ancestry)But as soon as she spoke her southern accent honey soothing sounds poured out .The blue
eyes that emanated love who could resist that and later on when she became so wise wise enough to speak to me saying only you can make your life good.

Charming yes but with all that love not an n She believed if only she could have graduated from college that she would have been a "better person"
what degree could she have needed ??????????

But her degree in love and kindness poured into my heart.I remember her taking me to local art shows and her holding my hand I remember discovering a
painting and her walking to it and buying on the spot "the blue painting "I had found when I was nine.
She approved my choice it was such a validation of my interest in art.

I remember us listening to Dylan albums and dancing to mr tamborine man in the living room.
I miss her so she lives in my heart

love to you and more


Near the end of my moms life she expressed that she was not the greatest parent in the world ...but then again I am not either


quote from october

As for this being magical thinking, it isn't at all.    It is nice from time to time to be reminded that the angels are there, to serve us in their turn, but it is not right for us to ignore the world we live in, and focus only on heaven.


Yes heaven can wait

p.s. When my twin passed away it was so hard for her............

« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 04:49:01 AM by moonlight »


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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2006, 03:21:56 PM »
Mom came from the south with an innocence and sweetness that was a delight.
There only is one time she got mad at me that was when I did not like the nerdy glasses I
wore and I so wished I did not need glasses I kept on losing them on purpose .
(also when I sold one of her favorite books for a quarter)

I can see her sashaying down the long driveway with her 3 tiny white poodles following her to the mail box.Beautiful figure

I think you should write a book about your mother, because you have a gift for words.  She sounds a beautiful lady, and a beautiful soul, and you bring her memory alive for those of us not fortunate enough to know her.  I am sure you already know it, but you are very very lucky to have had such a mother.


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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2006, 03:33:02 PM »
HI october

my mom was very poor in her youth...................So my mom did not put on airs.

Maybe I could write a book about her just for our kids.....

well enough about my stories...... The subject was angels




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Re: Angelic intervention
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2006, 08:28:30 PM »
Oh, Moon. What an enchanting mother.
No wonder there is our Moonbeam among us with so much magic in her heart.

I know she suffered so much-- as you did, when your twin died.
And now they are laughing together, all insecurity and anger gone.

You have two angels with you, Moon. They are so so happy about you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."