I am interested in what you think about The Law of Attraction which one website defined as, "The simple point is that you get what you focus on in life. You get the types of experiences that you consistently think about, that you feel you're likely to get, that you expect and that you believe in. You attract to you that which you're emanating. "
Are there some of you who believe this or some variation of this? Are there skeptics out there?
I like the concept. I'm not sure how to get my "unconscious" thoughts in line. What do you think?
I am a sceptic. This is a variation on the theme of blaming the victim for the crime, imo. Bad things happen to good people all the time; we do not bring it down on our own heads, whether consciously or not.
Positive thinking can be a good thing, but as I have said elsewhere it can also be a bad thing. The trick is to achieve realistic thinking, where you recognise damage as damage, and nurturing as nurturing, and no longer confuse the two through some misguided attempt at forced optimism.
I do believe in the power of prayer, but I do not think that prayer should include any kind of magical thinking, where if I only do this, or say that, or force myself to feel in a particular way, then certain results will follow. That is attempting to control the universe by coercion, and that is not what prayer is all about, imo. Prayer is about connecting with the deity, and finding strength and love from doing that. It is about trusting that deity to do what he or she has to do, and not pre-empting his or her role.