Hi Gl,
I can't tell you how much I can relate to your post..and the answers you've gotten so far.
When it comes down to it, the conflict both you and I have with our N parents can sometimes be unfathomable to neighbours and friends and even family members..for a variety of reasons.
Don't forget your parents live on the "outside" and on the periphery of reality..Ns loathe themselves deep down..if anything they are to be pitied for their inability to express anything but the need to control others, especially their children.
Like me, i'm sure you caught on to their game very early on...I know I did..and i'm not their biological child, perhaps that helped me all along since i could absolutely not relate to them..although I wanted to..Lord how I wanted them to love me and be normal..oh well, I'm glad to say i'm almost ready to state that it's all water under the bridge.
Your parents have been building this incredible wall around themselves to protect their virtually non existant self esteem. Try to understand and repeat to yourself that they have THE PROBLEM! not you...
God knows how difficult it has been for me to come to terms with my Nparents' disability. ( see...it's easier when you treat them and think of them as the very sick people they are!

I sometimes still forget to do this...and whenever I do, i've become able to step back and forgive myself for hanging on to what can never be..indeed what never was..
My parents have basically gone from family member to family friends to total strangers, destroying ( or so they think!) my reputation...like sharks in a feeding frenzy!
They are so unable to conceive that I'm seperate from them..they're desperately hanging on to the status quo because their twisted and crazy way has become their haven, their familiar fantasy..and neither you nor I can dislodge them from there at this point....the only alternative is to stick to the truth and move on...
Like you, i'm sure, i never thought I would get to this point in my life..I never imagined my parents would so turn on me. And yet, looking back, ( flashbacks help!) and because i've really put in my time as far as healing is concerned, I now see that it has always been this way.
I'm celebrating the fact that I'VE changed rather than wait on THEM to change, like i'd always done up til now.
Although this crisis of mine has been ongoing, i'm beginning to see how it has enabled me to change for the better. Because I feel better, i'm in a better position to give myself value and more disposed to receive validation from others. Like that little bird that's fallen out of the nest, that's how blatant cutting contact with my N parents has been.
Surprisingly, ignoring my N parents and their antics have not stopped many of their so-called friends from greeting me here and there..they haven't been able to pull off a complete shunning.
Normal parents and people are never impressed with other parents causing trouble for their kids...sooner or later they get bored with the N parent who's "lost a troublesome child"..To the balanced thinking and moral mind, N parents are ultimately repulsive..it's a matter of time..and it doesn't matter what you say to these other people as long as you say what you want to say.
The other day, a client who has been asking me how my parents are( for weeks now

) finally got an answer out of me..
He was asking over and over again about where they live now...I had been ignoring his question for some time..enough I guess for him to have figured out for himself that is! This elderly gentleman was obviously prying, and I didn't care...he asked: Where does your father live now? and I answered point blank," I have no idea Monsieur..." and before I could continue, he finished my sentence for me " and you don't care to know either..." said he..to which I added: " Voila!" Our conversation ended right then and there!
Allow yourself to not care! It's ok..your parents have taken up much of your time already..TOO MUCH! It's your life...YOURS..lead them out of it! YOU show them the door! ( when you're ready of course and at your own pace...this is a pep talk i'm giving here not an order!

) Walk them out of your life..take a break from them and then you can decide whether they will ever come back in.
The hardest thing for me to accept was coming to the realization that my parents never loved me, they "loved" me. I can say that now that I know what love is and how it should be manifested. My parents said they loved me often, believe me..but they didn't mean it and I didn't realize it. I've forgiven myself for buying into that illusion. They're Ns..how could they know? It still boggles my mind and I thank God i've the capacity to grasp that concept without having gone completely bonkers! I'm more thankful to the Almighty for having given me the ability to accept it...
This is getting rather long...I hope you understand what is intended here by me.. Ns are center stage, ACONS are backstage..and the rest of the world are just the audience.
Perhaps you could answer those buggy little people who keep insisting your parents "love you.." " I'm sure they do..in their own way.." and leave it at that for now. You would satisfy their need to believe they do without getting them involved...you would satisfy their curiosity and as you know, when curiosity has been satisfied in someone, there is no need to pursue the topic and it goes away..
Just my thoughts
best of luck to you.
Love Nic