Mr T, I, too, scratch my head sometimes and wonder how people who claim to love and care about you one moment, can turn and totally see you as having "disappeared" or even "never having existed" in some cases, in the next moment.
I don't believe anyone who has not dealt with this personality defect, could truly understand how deeply the pain goes and for how long it lasts.
Even the very people who believe I'm out to "get" them by exposing their actions, could never realize that I actually still struggle with feelings of love for them that go beyond words. I still care about them although, given what I was offered in return, I sometimes wonder WHY? I often wish I could just pretend THEY never existed, but, alas, it is US who are the healthy ones...those who realize that those people really DID come across our path and teach us how NOT to treat others, and those people will probably never BE the ones they wanted us to believe they were. It is all just sad to me, but yes, I DO love Jodi and I always will...for whatever reasons...if only just because I was giving love to an IDEA of who someone was, but not the reality or actuality of who she really WAS and IS.