in light of what that WOW person wrote about me, I've just come to remind myself of an important truth that even those people involved used to go around telling others about me.
Because people knew that that was the one thing I WOULD NOT do, eventually, they'd come to me, asking questions about my relationship with people we were both once connected with, in order to find out information about those people. The N, as long as you can give him/her info they want, especially if it will prove their "innocence," they will stay in contact with you. As soon as they see that you have nothing FOR them, they abandon you again and the drama ceases.
One of the other tactics that was used with me by an N, was that when I was with N, I was "milked" for information about how another person (person A) behaved, believed, expressed themselves...even down to non-verbal body language, tone of voice, etc. Because I'm good at impersonation, due to my dad being a professional comedian/impersonator, the N used the info I gave her about the person A, in order to learn enough about that person, so that when N ditched me, hooked up with person A, N already knew how NOT to behave....totally different than how she behaved with me...that way, when N eventually ditched person A, to replace them with the next person B, if person A and I ended up talking, our stories about our time with N would NEVER LINE UP, therefore making one of us look like LIARS about N...usually ME, since person B was the one that N behaved more "normally" toward.
In such cases, when you try to tell people about the things N did to you, because person A's story will be much different from you, regarding their time spent with N, NOBODY IS LIKELY TO BELIEVE YOU RIGHT OFF THE BATT! You will hear, "I can't BELIEVE N is like that. She wasn't like that with person of you must be LYING!"
WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SECRETS, DISBELIEF, DISILLUSION, PUNISHMENT, BETRAYAL and ultimately FEAR (when you realize that YOU were the only one who experience that SIDE of N and nobody will EVER believe that they could be THAT BAD, and yet, you were THERE, you lived it, and there is NO ARGUMENT FOR YOU WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE!