I have to agree with reallyME about the "SEED" being the emphasis.
The word for seed in the Greek is sperma, from which, of course, we get the word 'sperm'. In the Hebrew the word seed also means sperm. Why was this so emphasized? I believe it was because of God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 2:18, where He told Abraham that in his (Abraham)'s seed all the nations of the world would be blessed. If we look at the genealogies of Jesus in the New Testament, they make sure to show that Jesus was a physical descendant of Abraham. Also, the Messiah was to be of the seed of King David as well, so that is also shown.
The twist for us women is, of course, the fact that Jesus' mother was the only one who contributed to his earthly DNA. So actually, although His bloodline was certainly traced all the way through Abraham and David, His Father was God. And that seems to be what God was referring to way back in Genesis in the Garden in Eden when He made a very strange statement. In Genesis 3:15 He told the serpent "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”
This is the first Biblical reference to a Messiah / Savior who would come. It is interesting that God said that
the woman's seed would bruise the serpent's head. Not the man's seed. Women don't produce sperm so I think that was a reference to the fact that the Messiah would get His earthly DNA from His mother.
The truth is that God never demeans woman. I love what has been posted on here already. Let us not forget the woman caught in adultery. It is amazing to me that her accusers did not drag the man out to be stoned as well. There had to be a man if she was CAUGHT in adultery! Jesus refused to accuse her. Instead, He turned to her accusers and made them see their own sin. To the woman He gave mercy, grace, and kindness.
And I was just thinking also of the deep love He had for His mother. On the Cross, in excruciating pain, He stopped everything else to make provisions for John to take care of her and to take her as his (John's) own mother. Isn't that a cool Son??!!
And Paul's instructions to husbands were quite simply to love their wives just the same way that Jesus loves His Church - so much that He died for her. He treated her with respect and honor and love. There is no room for abuse or any type of mistreatment in that instruction. Just the opposite!
These are just my musings!