Mr. T - I will consider that one depending on the audience!!!! ha ha ha
good point hops

Last night we had a couple over, some friends of ours...
He normally does not ask anything about my family - which is a relief/delight.
She talks a lot of her own parents, so eventually the conversation inevitably turns to mine. She asked me this:
how old are your parents? Instead of reacting negatively at the thought of my parents, I just paused and thought about it and eventually said "they're both around 60."
Are they both retired? (this one I had to think about - I don't think my Dad is retired yet - it would be a miracle if he has somehow acquired enough savings to do this in the past year, as my Mom spends money like water... but I'm not really sure)...
No - my Mom has never worked, though- She just kept bubbling on, about how her Dad may soon retire, not really missing a beat (
Phew, I thought).
I've found that if I just answer the question posed, typically the person inquiring doesn't ask many more. In the case of someone extremely tuned into my response (their are few - most people are worried and thinking more about themselves, I've noticed)- it could either mean one of two things: 1) the person is very nosy and probably has N characteristics (they're digging for dirt!) or 2) they're a very empathetic, compassionate person and they just noticed you flinched when they brought up the subject of your parents - so they're attempting to know more so they can comfort you. In my experience, I'm not very good at discerning 1's from 2's.
