One thing I notice with X was that, any friendship I had, was devalued and mocked. I made the mistake of sharing someone about someone dear to me with X...the next time the dear someone's name was mentioned by me, X told me all the things that were wrong with her and how I was the way I was because of this person. I noticed this pattern over and over again, no matter who it was that I told X I cared about...they were always ultimately "flawed" in X's eyes.
Another thing along the same topic, was that X would tell me about how her friends were "GOOD" friends that were always there for her, etc.
With these sorts of dysfunctional people, you always feel like you are COMPETING with X. Ugh...of course, even if you already ARE the winner, they won't allow you to believe that! THEY MUST BE FIRST AND MUST BE BEST...