If you've spent enough time around men, then
you've probably discovered that men DON'T MAKE
See where I'm going here?
If you try and use what makes sense to YOU as a
woman with a man... odds are you're going to get
very poor results.
Which means...
If you want to start getting better outcomes
and results when it comes to men, and you want to
be able to communicate with a man in a way that
brings him closer...
Then you're going to have to learn to STOP
doing what makes "sense" to you...
And START doing what it is that makes a man
In other words... the biggest challenge most
women run into when it comes to "breaking through"
to men and getting past the surface dating stuff
and into a real relationship with a real man is
not being able to see past their own MINDSET and
the approach they've been using that hasn't
If you have the wrong mindset, and the thus the
wrong approach when it comes to men and dating...
then it practically guarantees you're going to
fail from the very beginning.
But if you can learn to understand how your
mindset affects how you interpret and respond to a
man... and you can start to get the kind of
PERSPECTIVE or AWARENESS that will lead you to
knowing what's really going on with a man, and how
to respond... then things are quickly and
naturally going to fall into place for you.
By the way, if you'd like to learn from what I
honestly think is one of the world's best resources
for quickly understanding how men think,
discovering what attracts them, and shifting your
mindset and perspective for easy and effortless
success... I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you check out my
eBook "Catch Him & Keep Him".
You can download it below right now and be
reading it in literally a few minutes.
Best of all, I'll let you read the entire thing
at zero cost before you decide if you'd want to
purchase it.
Get all the details and go download it right
here now:
http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/13854/eBook Now, here's the other important question to
ask now that we've identified some of the common
mistakes women make with men...
WHY don't these responses and ways of
communicating and dealing with men work? Even
though at the time responding this way makes
absolute sense?
Because they all have one terrible thing in
They are all deadly forms of what I call
Ok, so what does that mean?
And why is it such a terrible thing when it
comes to men, dating, attraction, and having a man
see you as the kind of woman he really wants to be
Good question...
I'm going to try and make a long and
complicated story very short here to show you what
approval seeking behavior is, and why it's such a
GIANT MISTAKE with men...
See, men have all kinds of ways of thinking,
seeing things, and behaviors that aren't
completely conscious - but are what I'll call more
These are things that have been instilled in
them over thousands and millions of years of
"conditioning" during mating and courtship rituals
with women.
When a man is looking for a woman, a part of
his instinctual "wiring" unconsciously tells him
to look for a woman who is healthy and "fit".
This means that men are biologically wired to
look for, and feel "attracted" to women who have
the qualities and traits that indicate a high
level of health and "fitness".
But unfortunately, this "screening process"
that's going on inside a man's mind is largely
In other words, a man can't and won't just walk
up to a woman and say,
"Hi, I'm looking for a mate. I'd like to know
if you would make a good mate for me. Are you any
of the following?
-Physically fit and healthy so you can conceive a
healthy child, give birth, and raise him/her?
-"Genetically fit" so that you have a high
likelihood to bear successful offspring by passing
off great qualities like size, strength,
intelligence, immunity, etc?
-Intelligent, "funny", and resourceful so that you
can not only be a mate that makes me feel
attracted to you and want to conceive lots of
children... but also help in this world of hard-
to-come-by resources?
-Going to make a great mother who can care for our
child and raise it while I'm out trying to
Catch my drift?
This is part of the reason why so often a woman
will ask a man why he's feeling one way or
another... or why he's acting different or not
interested in a relationship and he can't explain
It's just the way he FEELS.
Either he FEELS ATTRACTED. Or he doesn't.
Of course, these "biological buttons" aren't
the only thing going on inside a man's mind.
Men do have more CONSCIOUS processes for the
way they choose a woman, and for the way they
If trying to cram all this into your head and
understand what it means, and how to respond to
all these things while trying to have a real
conversation with a man seems ridiculous and
daunting to you - it should.
The reality is that you can't sit and think to
yourself... "Gee, I'd like him to think I'd make a
good mate who could rear successful and healthy
children, I'll tell him about how healthy me and
my family are."
It just doesn't work that way.
A man looks at much subtler "cues" about a
woman that tell him what to think.
Some of these "cues" are:
-Physical Appearance (the obvious one): If you
have a specific hip-to-waist ratio, without
consciously "measuring" it, a man will see it and
possibly feel a physical attraction
-Health: Things like how white the whites in your
eyes are, your scent, and the tone and nature of
your skin are all subtle indicators of a healthy
immune system. Men find white eyes, certain
scents, and smooth skin attractive not because
they know they indicate that a woman is healthy
and will have a high likelihood of success for
offspring, but because they FEEL ATTRACTED to
these things for some reason.
-"Emotional Fitness": If a woman has the kind of
attitude and "vibe" about her that is fun to be
around, stimulating, exciting, and positive and
consistent... then a man unconsciously will see
her as a good long-term mate.
To find out all the things that truly interest
and attract men... as well as the more subtle and
complex things that make a man become EMOTIONALLY
INVOLVED with a woman it could take a long long
time to figure out.
It could take you literally years of research,
of failed relationships, and of trying different
And even then you might not arrive at what is
really going on with men, and how to make a
relationship come together and work.
If you're single after all these years, and you
still don't have the knowledge and the confidence
that comes from truly knowing how to approach and
handle men, dating, and relationships... then you
know what I mean.
Luckily, I've done the work for you.
I've spent my time doing years of research,
observation, interviews, etc. to get deep inside
the mind of men... and I've also spent years
talking with women about every question under the
sun of how to create the love life they want with
a man.
It also doesn't hurt that I happen to be a man
myself who has been through all kinds of
situations in dating and relationships with women
myself... and I have the perspective of how these
things work for a man.
And I'm proud to say that I've been more
successful in helping women in their love lives
than I ever imagined was possible.
Now I want to share what I've learned with
you... and help you the way I've helped literally
thousands of other women.
If you'd like to learn how men think when it
comes to the "dating process"... and how a man
really thinks about a woman and getting involved
in a real relationship with her, then I've got
just what you need.
Women who don't understand what the dating and
COMMITMENT PROCESS is like inside a man's mind
seem to keep running into the same painful
situations, frustrations, and traps with men.
The way a man grows close to a woman, the
reasons why he chooses her over another woman, and
when and why he decides to start sharing himself
with her and growing a real and committed
relationship is simply different than it is for
most women.
If you don't understand where a man is at, you
don't know how to read the signs, and most
importantly... if you don't know WHAT TO DO in
each situation, then your odds of creating what
you want with a man, and him wanting it with you
are very slim.
Recently I developed an entire program for
women to explain the entire dating and "commitment
process" of a man... and I delivered this program
live to real women like you.
It was a huge success, and it felt great to
know that I not only answered the tough questions
women had and needed answered in the live event...
but that they were able to take what they learned,
apply it in their lives, and get REAL RESULTS with
the man in their life.
Luckily, I've put together an entire "seminar
program in a box" for you from this amazing
program where you can get all the same learning
and benefits other women got by either listening
to it on CD, or watching it on DVD.
This program is called "From Casual To
Committed" and you can read all about it here:
http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/13854/FCTC/ One of the biggest "make it or break it"
points for women in relationships with men is when
you start to grow close and want to move from just
a casual and unspoken thing into a deeper and more
serious relationship.
If you've ever felt "stuck" in your love life
because you didn't know how to break through the
"casual dating" stage with a man and move into a
real and committed relationship, I can help.
If you know much about men, then you probably
already know that the answer with a man in this
situation is NOT to ask him for a commitment.
Lots of women try this and become frustrated
and baffled when the man they thought they were
close to completely pulls away from them and even
tries to end the relationship all together.
If you want to grow your relationship with a
man, the best way to move into a committed
relationship isn't to come up against his
"EMOTIONAL RESISTANCE" to commitment when you
bring it up.
The best relationships that women enjoy most,
and that last the longest, are the ones where THE
MAN is leading the woman into a committed
Where HE is asking HER to COMMIT TO HIM.
But for lots of women, things seem to get
terribly turned around.
For the greatest chance at happiness and
success with a man, and to be able to quickly and
easily move from a casual situation to a real and
committed relationship with a man, the answer is
to learn:
1) How the commitment process works for him
2) How to make a man want to be with you and lead
you in to a committed relationship
3) How to keep your relationship growing and
healthy so that you both stay emotionally involved
and fulfilled by the relationship
Most women NEVER learn these things, and as a
result, they never have the kind of success in
dating and relationships with men they really
This is exactly what you'll learn in my "From
Casual To Committed" program.
So don't wait for your relationship to figure
itself out if you're in one.
Don't wait for a man to figure it out and make
your relationship work for you.
Don't wait until you're dating the right guy
and in a great relationship to learn how to help
it grow and make it work with him.
Make it happen now.
Learn more, and get your trial copy of this
program right here:
http://www.CatchHimAndKeepHim.com/e/13854/FCTC/ If you go to the link above, you can read all
the details, watch some free sample video clips,
and even see what the women who've been through
this program had to say about it,
So don't wait. Make the rest of your love life
easier, more fun, and less frustrating and
uncertain today by taking one simple step-
Let me ship you my "From Casual To Committed"
CD or DVD program at zero risk right now.
It can be at your door in a few days and change
your love life forever.
I'll even let you work with the program for an
entire month (30 full days) before I'll ask for
you to decide if you want to keep it.
If this program doesn't deliver all the
benefits you'd like it to... simply send it back
to me and you won't pay a thing.
No scams. No extra hidden shipping fees or
charges, no questions.
You'll pay nothing just for trying my program
If it does, and I'm 110% confident it will,
then keep it and I'll bill you in a few small easy
monthly payments.
You literally have nothing to lose, and a
lifetime of love and a secure, loving, committed
relationship to gain.
It's yours for the taking.
Don't wait any longer. Go ahead and try my
program without any risk.
-Christian Carter