Hey, Izzy, I for one would never guess you are 67!
I've been reading your posts with great interest. But I'm in a bit of a transitional period these past few weeks and haven't participated as much as usual. So, I read with interest but can't think what to say much of the time. If you think your threads are too quiet, well, that's just on the surface. Somewhere in the universe somebody, me and probably others, is pulling for you. And kind of "soaking you up" so to speak.
I keep asking myself that same question--what do I do now? Kind of have the N-thing figured out, the voiceless thing, the FOO thing. Kids all grown up, see friends once in awhile, but mostly leading a quiet life. Got to middle age without having much fun or many adventures. I tell people now that I'm getting tattoos instead of having affairs, tattoos are the only "adventure" I get to have. They think I'm kidding but I'm not. Then I was thinking, maybe I'm meant to be successful at work. I spend enough time at it. I'm sort of a manager in training now and it's mostly training by getting thrown into it. Seat of the pants stuff. People have told me all along, oh you'll go into management, you're so smart, blah, blah, blah. Well, it seems like another dead end of a path to me just now. It's not going so great, in other words. So, what's left for me to try? Do I even have any talent at all? It doesn't seem like it at the moment.
So, I don't think I can offer you any suggestions. You seem pretty interesting and lively to me. But I have noticed that often enough the rest of the world can't handle the interesting, lively people. The rest of the world seems to want predictable people, people they can easily categorize or maybe even people they can fool most of the time. Now, this place, this board, is a lively and interesting place. Really excellent people. I'm very glad I found it. It means a lot to me. And it doesn't have to be any more than what it is. I kind of think that 3-D life can't be any more than it is. It's bigger than me. It's bigger than any one person. I think Moon has the right idea about it. I just don't know how to feel that way yet. But I'm open to it.
Maybe that is my advice. Just be open to life. Maybe not so easy to do. But simple enough. I honestly can't think of anything else that would "work". I know that lately nearly all my "efforts" have been wasted energy thrown at the wrong things. When I'm open minded, and in the moment, and just concentrating on doing my best at what is most important at that moment, it works better.
Now to live by my own advice......