When it comes to passion, I think of the the passion I've always had for being a concert pianist! That is where I put passion in my thoughts, a passion over flowers, art, music, etc.
Hate is a very difficult word for me to use, as anyone that I supposedly 'hate' it is for different reasons!
I thought I hated this guy who borrowd $600.00 and disappeared, but in the long run I was ashamed of myself for lending the $$.
I once hated my ex son in law, a Narcissist, but with no contact I don't think of him much at all. Same with the psychopath I lived with.
I didn't hate my raging father, but I never had any respect for him, plus he gave me the 'willies'. (The memory that pretty well most comes to mind is when we were all in the barn doing the chores, and he was wandering aroung mumbling and grumbling then hollered,"I don't know what in the hell I did to deserve 5 lazy little bastards like I got".) i was shivering in me high top rubber boots while trying to milk 6 cows before school and was totally baffled at his statement. A sister was milking the other 6 cows.Then we had to separate the milk and slop the hogs, then bed the cows. I just couldn't see l-a-z-y!
So I can think of more, but the actual word HATE does not rear its head over anyone at present.