Author Topic: Define 'enmeshed'  (Read 3176 times)


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Define 'enmeshed'
« on: January 10, 2007, 11:49:18 PM »
please give me some reminders about this concept and how it applies to new dating relationships!

Thanks (((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Re: Define 'enmeshed'
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2007, 12:14:40 AM »
I think enmeshed would begin by you thinking about the other person more often than you think about (and encounter, and are present with, comfortable with) yourself...

I may have used the wrong term there, Write...sorries.

I may have meant obsessed instead. They might be related, maybe enmeshed involves both people?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Define 'enmeshed'
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2007, 05:12:09 AM »
I'm thinking enmeshed can be one-sided as far as one person being overly involved and the other person not caring or not being aware.  Maybe that is what obsession is related to.  The one-sidedness.  The enmeshment might be related to how it happened, the lack of boundaries in one or both people.  One person having more neediness or less of a self.

With my parents, I think there was enmeshment but it was mostly me not having enough of a self.  They knew how to play it, or me, so that their lives were easier.  But I don't think  my parents let me "in" the way I let them "in".  I don't really have an idea of how they accomplished that feat.  They just really weren't all that interested in me.  It seems like maybe they were enmeshed with my sister.  Two-way enmeshment in that case.

Just throwing this out there.  I don't have a real firm grip on this stuff!

Oh, my poor brain!

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Define 'enmeshed'
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2007, 02:29:36 PM »
My concept of enmeshment is for someone to be so overly involved with someone else's life that they can't see where their nose ends and someone else's business begins.  One example I can think of involved an acquaintance of mine, her daughter and then-son-in-law.

The daughter and her then-husband had been married for a while, had one child and recently had a second child.  Then the economy took a downturn and his line of work and income were very badly affected.  This husband and wife had discussed what their choices were and decided that because their two children were so young and childcare so expensive that (a) she would stay home with them, and (b) he would have a vasectomy as they both felt they could not financially support three children on his reduced income.  (They were both aware that birth controll is never 100% guaranteed fool-proof.)  They had both prayed about this and discussed their options with their spiritual counselor at their church before they finally acted on the decision of his getting his vasectomy.

In the meantime, my acquaintance kept bugging them to have more babies because SHE wanted more grandchildren!  She seemed to act as if they were a baby factory to produce on HER demand!  When others have told her to back off, butt out and shut up, she has a bad habit of acting as if they said butt in and keep talking.  She persists in bashing her demands over your head and ramming her orders down your throat until she finally gets what she wants.  I think what finally happened was her then-son-in-law, that she did NOT like from the get-go because he wouldn't hesitate to tell her to back off, finally told her that the "baby factory" is closed permanently because he got fed up with her.  My acquaintance went ballistic because her then-son-in-law got a vasectomy without HER permission!  :roll:

This acquaintance then tried to suck me into the middle of this mess by wanting me to side with her against her then-son-in-law.  I bluntly told her that her nose ENDS where their marriage begins.  The decision about whether or not to have children is STRICTLY between husband and wife; NOT husband, wife and wife's mommy!  BUTT OUT!!!  Needless to say, she was pissed off at me because of what I said.  Too bad!



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Re: Define 'enmeshed'
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2007, 05:29:51 PM »
goodness, I thought I had marital problems but in-laws can take the cake!

Thanks everyone, I'm going to think carefully about all this.

The guy I got slightly involved with last year backed off as soon as I had feelings for him, I told a friend about it and she said 'you have to love him anyway and go get on with your life without him.'
It was good advice because although I don't see him often I do have to run into him and I am glad I didn't get embroiled in any drama like with the previous guy a couple of years ago, when I was manic and out of control. Though I did even see him recently and shook hands and was kind to him- but avoided getting into any one on one situation with him because his body language suggested he hadn't changed, and this time I know his moves, and its creepy!

I keep telling myself I want to be the same regardless of how other people act or treat me- the same inside I mean, I won't hang around to be abused again.


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Re: Define 'enmeshed'
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2007, 10:38:05 PM »
My very close friend threw a fit when her D declined to name a baby after my friend's mother...she was deadly serious. Her craving to have her mother recognized in that way was partly cultural (and partly her desire to heal her own old wounds about her mother through her granddaughter).

I was appalled by it, had a tough time supporting her. I did by recognizing her feelings, but my inner boundarymeister was really taken aback.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Define 'enmeshed'
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2007, 12:31:44 AM »
One of the "telling" clues about her having a problem with other people's boundaries centered around one of Billy Joel's songs: "(It's) My Life".  When that song came out, this acquaintance went on a rant about how she HATED that song and hated the lyrics.  Listening to it and hearing the singer basically telling someone to "leave me alone" and be in "their own space", etc. (I'm trying to recall the lyrics from memory), I can see why she got so pissed off because she thinks she has the God-given right to invade everyone's boundaries whenever she feels like it.  Sheesh!!!!
