Hi skidz and welcome.
A boy is a boy is a boy. Fake burps and rude words are what boys thrive on! He's a great son!!
Has your mother ever taken responsiblity for YOU?? I thought not. So why do you have responsibility for HER???
You're in a transition at the moment - this feels lousy but is A Good Thing!!
It is healthy to feel angry!!! You have good reason to BE angry!!
Your daughter died - dog bite - mom's dog - get over it - YIKES! Horror story. My anger, rage and emotion about that would be too overwhelming to get anywhere near in twenty decades!!!
Pregnancy is a great excuse to put yourself first. You just had a miscarriage - tell her the doctor told you not to move out of the house!!! You can't even move out of the armchair to answer the phone. Doesn't matter what you say, just get her off your back so you and your baby can commune good things to each other.
As far as your mother is concerned - yeuch!
50 million times, you are not a monster and you are not responsible for somebody else's suicide attempts.
It seems to me that if it's possible to be responsible for somebody else's suicide, you'd have to have spent many hours mentally and emotionally actively torturing, toying with and tormenting an imprisoned victim.
Nobody is responsible for the way other people decide to 'act out' their petty ways. If you feel responsible, it's probably the result of guilt induced by her manipulative ways. I'm sure you'll spot them much better from now on!!!