I wrote this email to my sister who pulled this on me, and I had no voice to speak up--40 years later I have
Has anyhone hear had a time like this whereby you were so 'taken back' at the situation that you had no way to express your thoughts, at the time for whatever reason?? My reason was that I had always put my faith and trust into my 2 older sisters, as I had no thoughts/beliefs of my own. (I have my beliefs now!)Izzy
Hello B____
There was an incident, between Jan. and June of 1967, that has never left my mind. It therefore makes any conversation between us, superficial. I thought of that on New Year's Day, with our pleasant little phone chit-chat, when we haven't emailed for so long, but it is also something that hangs in the back of my mind that you could be so manipulative. I know you hide behind God and that He has forgiven you, and that you have forgiven yourself, but what about approaching the people you have hurt, and apologizing to them. It is like one of the steps in AA.
You told me fairly recently (years not months) that you went to see Grace Donnelly and had a talk. I expect about your having sex with her husband, and that all is okay, but did you ever think of coming to me and having a talk to settle what has battered my mind for 40 years? Are you visiting poor Alzheimer Helen Davis out of guilt for the times you spent with her husband?
It was when you called me (I didn't have a phone at Codrington St., so where I don't remember) and said that Betty Squibb was away in Toronto, or somewhere, and poor Harry needed a night out. Would I make up the foursome with you and Gord? I said that I was not going to be Harry's date, and I wouldn't go. You finally agreed with me that we four would stick together as a foursome and not 2 twosomes. Are you remembering? .......That we would stick together!....... That you and I were to sit on the same side: that the men would sit opposite us? You failed me! You betrayed me!
Nevertheless, when my sitter came and we were ready to go, you and Harry ran out and got in the back seat of the car together. I am still feeling we are a foursome. But then you were drinking rye straight out of the bottle, as was Harry and there were terrible silences in the back seat. I was frozen with disbelief, as Gord kept driving with a set to his jaw, but never said a thing. I was at odds as to what to do. I had just left Joe and was in no mood for any fooling around, and not with two idiots like Harry and Gord. To me it was just an innocent a night out!
We went on to Orillia to the dance and there was still no foursome. You and Harry were always together....but then I had already heard about your wandering ways to the husbands of your female friends.
We left the dance for Barrie and you and Harry were in the back seat again, and Gord's jaw was still set, and my mind was wondering about what on earth you were up to. Again the weird silences from the back seat and I didn't dare turn around in case I saw Harry's ass. I didn't want to believe I would see Harry's ass. Whenever, you told me to sit closer to Gord as he needed some loving too. I was appalled! He was your husband!
We reached Barrie and parked in the Dominion Store parking lot for a bit and all was quiet and boring and I said I had to get back and send the sitter home.
After this, you mentioned to me that you were sorry, but you 'accidentally' mentioned to Mom (and Dad?) that Gord and I had something going on, you suspected--along that vein. After that, no matter where I went, Mom and Dad followed me/checked on me. They checked to see when my car was at home and when it wasn't. I was too afraid to go to them and tell them you lied, as I was always the scapegoat.
This is when you needed a reason to divorce Gord without your promiscuous shenanigans ever coming to light.
You owe me an explanation as to why you would do this to me, your own sister, and you owe me an apology, as Mom and Dad both went to their graves believing you, and thinking ill of me!