Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for your responses ((())). Each one of you has given me so much to think about and I thank each one of you for giving me your heartfelt thoughts.
Guess I lost my inner compass when I posted this because I now realize my question goes to the heart of Nism. Duh!! What was I thinking?? One step forward and 2 steps back.
Guess the reason why we’re all here at this board is because loved ones have abused us and that’s why were voiceless.
Guess I’m stuck on the “why” of it all and I’m not satisfied to say that they abused us because they were Ns and they themselves were abused in their childhoods and they chose not to break the cycle of abuse.
I don’t know why I find it difficult to accept this explanation. What am I looking for?
Maybe since I have decided to break the cycle of abuse, I can’t understand why our/my abusers did not decide to break the cycle of abuse and ditch the abuse syndrome.
Or, maybe I can’t accept that although my parents did they best they could, on some level, they didn’t love me.
“I guess the thing that stood out in your post was that you didn't understand how your mother that loved you would undermine you by saying derogatory things.” Yes, GAP, this is the heart of my dilemma.
“First, I think it is hard to say our mother's loved us when they didn't support us emotionally. I truly don't think they were capable of love...love means being able to empathize, to meet another person's emotional needs.“ GAP, I fear you are correct and this makes me feel that a huge chunk of my life was a fraud, a sham. Guess that’s why I find it sooo hard to accept.
The scenario you described at the restaurant with your mom and brother sounds like my family. Thank goodness for your therapist.
“I don't even think they know what they are doing”. I agree. I always thought that my parents didn’t realize the damage that they did to me by raging at me.
“I'm now convinced it is not even worth thinking about it after they have raged or said their stupid stuff.” My problem is that I often believed what they said to me while raging.
I’m so sorry that your sister has “become” your aunt. My sister was also badly treated by our parents, but she refuses to discuss with me their Nism.
GAP, I hope that some day SOON, I will have your perspective on this stuff. I’m sick of my thoughts going round and round and leading me to no conclusion.
Thank you for your warmth and understanding.
“Comes a time when you don't try to understand it any more. Or maybe you do, but eventually you just swallow the whole painful reality of her absolute inability to be emotionally responsible or responsive...and you eventually, honestly, let it go.” Hops, wish I could get to this point.
It’s so hard to find positive support, but I’ll give it a try.
“But that meanness on top of her emotional disability? You do NOT deserve it” I hated the meanness.
Problem is that I can’t challenge the meanness because my parents are dead. And, I discovered that they were probably Ns after they died. So, I can’t challenge them, but I guess that’s good because they probably would just be mean back to me.
I guess one of my problems is discovering that my parents were probably Ns after they died. Maybe if I discovered this while they were alive, I’d feel different, however, experiencing their wrath would also stink.
So, maybe it’s better that I discovered their Nism after they died, but guess I feel I have no closure. I don’t know, it’s confusing.
“Absolutely an N thing!!!” Thank you for confirming that.
“My father was better at this than my mother and he really got me to believe on a deep level that if anything went wrong, it was my fault.” My mom did this to me.
“What you're describing is emotional abuse. I've become convinced that 'N' and 'abuser' are pretty much interchangeable terms.” Thank you for confirming this.
Problem is that when you and GS confirm the abuse, it’s like a knife in my heart, but I’m grateful for the enlightenment.
The truth really hurts, but hopefully, in the future, the truth will help and heal me.
Storm, thank you so much for the links, they are great. Makes me realize I gotta get back into therapy.
“If you can 'label' the behavior as emotionally abusive, it's a massive step towards being able to stop feeling responsible for causing it - because you didn't cause it. You just happen to be in the vicinity when a target is needed, and that's not your fault.” Storm, I know you’re right when you say this, but the realization makes me feel like my life has been a sham and I don’t know why I feel this way.
Good point about the enablers. I think that each of my parents took turns at being both N and enabler. Dad enabled Nmom and mom enabled Ndad.
“I think it is even more than not supporting us, I think it is blaming us (and others) for anything and everything. They have so many rules about what is "right" or "wrong" or "attractive" or "unattractive." They don't see that their opinions are not fact.” I totally agree. The rules, the rights, the wrongs make my head spin.
Yes, they are both abuser and victim, and again, this makes my head spin.
“I think that at the heart of a lot of this behavior in an N, is the need to build themselves up by tearing the other person down” YES!!
“We are pushed to "measure up" to increase their status and then we are slammed because we threaten to upstage them.” YES!! ARG!! MY HEAD SPINS!!
“I don't believe that NMothers are capable of loving anyone else except themselves.” I suppose I’m in denial on this one because the truth hurts tooo much.
Again, thank you all so much for helping me.