try a 'savasana' - it's a relaxation exercise yoga type thing where you sprawl out and tighten and relax groups of muscles, working from your tips [hands, feet] to your center [tummy]. Let me see if I can find a good link - oh, here's a dandy one!
http://www.webindia123.com/yoga/savasana.htmDon't be put off by the 'nickname' this exercise has. It is a truly wonderful way to ease into sleep, as a confirmed insomniac I used it for years in my 20s and 30s, and even if I still could not sleep, it allowed me to relax enough to meditate and get some rest that way.
another valuable trick is one we all knew when we were babies. Waking stretches. Sit up, on the bed, stretch up your arms, point your fingers, REACHHHHH . turn and put your legs over the edge, stretch them out straight in front of you, point your toes, REACHHHHH... bend in the middle and reach forward, then shrug your arms back as far as you can [feel your shoulderblades try to REACHHHH each other], then stand up, put your legs shoulder width apart, reach to your knees, your ankles, the floor, then walk your hands back up your legs to raise yourself up, and stand.
Slowly with all of this, so you don't push yourself too hard, and being careful of any restrictions you have due to bad backs or other trouble spots... but OH, the DIFFERENCE it makes when you are a creaky old lady like me! So all you young 'uns should find it helpful too.
Do be careful about the fetal position. Cramping your joints can make them sore because they don't get good circulation when they're cramped up for a long time.
You know that the assumption of the fetal position is an instinctive posture to protect oneself, don't you? It reflects the abuse you have experienced. As you heal, you will find that you also uncurl. Promise.