Author Topic: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"  (Read 17954 times)


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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2007, 08:21:57 PM »

Can you tell us more about this house purchase thing? Only if/when you want to...
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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2007, 08:29:02 PM »
Here's a bried answer before I fix dinner.

My mother and I each own our own homes, mortgage free.  My husband bought our house when he settled a big case - before we were married.  So I don't need a loan necessarily.  But the big thing is economy of scale and the basic ease of living with three people rather than two.  But there definitely are some things I need to think about before making that step.  I want to respond more fully and need to figure out how to put it into words.  That will be helpful for me.  Thanks for asking. - GS


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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2007, 09:31:24 PM »
Thank you all for this amazing post and especially to storm and dazed for digging up the info. I had seen that article before, dazed, and couldn't find it again... it was early on when I was first researching all this . I REALLY appreciate it.
Storm, is it odd to read this about your mother now that she is gone? How much did you realize before she died?
There is just so much here... and, from one of the other posts, I can't remember who said it, it is hard to accept this even if you know it. I know she hates me and yet I still get thoughts of her when she was "playing the part of mother." And I think that's what it is.
BUT it is so hard to prove/believe that someone can be this undermining and sneaky. And it really pisses me off that I know it and no one else sees or admits it. I even had some of the things mentioned here pop into my head while reading the manner of abuse...

"Maybe you could lose weight if you ate breakfast right away." Unsolicited. Pointing out that I was too fat in her eyes.
"I have an interesting diet here." Again... And this is while I was healthy and should have been happy.
"If you hold your stomach muscles in you can lose ten pounds a year." Agfain, I was at a strong, healthy weight and very attractive (of course I hated myself because I had daily 'tips' like these).
"We are paying for your sister because she is going to Med School." I.e. My Master's degree isn't anything compared to her degree.
"We paid for her wedding because she had a big one like I wanted to have." She would say I was the one who never wanted to do things, but the truth is, she wanted me to not do them so she didn't have to pay/attend. I had a wedding of a few close friends with a JP and cake and champagne (that I paid for) afterwards. They stayed in my bed in my apartment the night before my wedding so as to not have to spend money. I slept on a couch the night before my wedding. My sister had 150 guests in a hotel with a huge wedding dress and bridesmaids and all kinds of crap. It was, as Libby says, THE EVENT OF A LIFETIME...


Gosh I feel mean inside right now. But that is good... means there is something I need to work on. I will work on finding serenity and peace today.

Thank you all.
Love, Beth
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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2007, 10:21:17 PM »

People don't see it because it's too painful, or it's too much work, or dealing with it once they see it would be too much work, or too painful.

Work is hard. Painful work is almost impossible. In a way, the Ns are both to blame and to thank. If they did not cause such wretchedness, we might take even longer to awaken... because Ns make it more painful to stay unaware than to face the truth of what they are and what they do to us.

About my mother: I knew some things all my life - her actions and her words never, never matched, and somehow I was always able to stay aware of that. I just didn't fully realize what it meant - that she was so hateful to me, with such consistency, because she hated me, with such completeness.

She hated my father, and at the same time she drained him, sucked him dry. I was trained to play a similar role, and all her hatred and fury emerged when he became incapacitated and I refused to 'put on his harness' - refused to move back into the house, refused to move back into the neighborhood, refused, refused, refused.

But even then, most of her venom was directed against me 'behind my back', because she was still using me financially, and didn't want to lose her cash cow.

Only after she died did people begin to compare what she said about me with what I actually did, and was. Then quite a few of them felt driven to make amends, and in THAT process I heard things that amazed me... but they were so consistent, no matter who was telling me about them, it was clear they were factual.

Lies she told... things she said I had done and said, horrible things - that she had actually said and done to ME [so I knew these witnesses must have been telling the truth; only she could have inverted the evil so exactly].

And the reverse. Things I did for her, things I gave to her, that she claimed my Nsibling had done or given, or that she had acquired for herself. [A particularly nasty twist: some major appliances I bought for her that she claimed she had taken out a home equity loan to buy for herself because I refused to help her.]

Vicious, vicious stuff. It took me ages to deal with it.

I was, thank God, not hindered by disbelief. The one saving grace that I had was that because I'd known all my life that there was something 'wrong' in her relating to me, I could believe all of it when it finally came into the open. It made sense of all the weird little things I'd heard, all the strange little things she did, the furtiveness, the sneakiness, the witholding of information, the mean little 'gotcha' games she used to play. It all fell into place perfectly without a seam.

I hated her then. I pity her now. I doubt that I will ever mourn her.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2007, 10:29:14 PM by Stormchild »
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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2007, 10:53:39 PM »
Interesting thought. The above probably explains why it is true for me that anyone who tells a deliberate lie about me - a proven, deliberate lie - gets instantly written off, and will never again have my respect or fellowship - although I will be civil, as circumstances require.

Boundaries, and experience.
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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2007, 11:15:08 PM »
oh ((((storm)))))))))))))I have to agree with you in one thing... we are able to look at ourselves and judge our lives around usin a healthier way because of what we have learned.
Still... it must have been so shocking and hurtful to hear those things at first. Fortunately, it must have also been validating to hear things click into place when others "got it." But how sad it all is. How dreadfully sad. For us, for them...
This is hard for me today. I will write more later.
But thank you so much for sharing. Honestly, I am a bit scared that is what would happen with my mother as well... I don't know why, but it seems so sad and wrong to me.
Love you storm,
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2007, 01:19:19 PM »

People don't see it because it's too painful, or it's too much work, or dealing with it once they see it would be too much work, or too painful.

Work is hard. Painful work is almost impossible. In a way, the Ns are both to blame and to thank. If they did not cause such wretchedness, we might take even longer to awaken... because Ns make it more painful to stay unaware than to face the truth of what they are and what they do to us.

About my mother: I knew some things all my life - her actions and her words never, never matched, and somehow I was always able to stay aware of that. I just didn't fully realize what it meant - that she was so hateful to me, with such consistency, because she hated me, with such completeness.

She hated my father, and at the same time she drained him, sucked him dry. I was trained to play a similar role, and all her hatred and fury emerged when he became incapacitated and I refused to 'put on his harness' - refused to move back into the house, refused to move back into the neighborhood, refused, refused, refused.

But even then, most of her venom was directed against me 'behind my back', because she was still using me financially, and didn't want to lose her cash cow.

Only after she died did people begin to compare what she said about me with what I actually did, and was. Then quite a few of them felt driven to make amends, and in THAT process I heard things that amazed me... but they were so consistent, no matter who was telling me about them, it was clear they were factual.

Lies she told... things she said I had done and said, horrible things - that she had actually said and done to ME [so I knew these witnesses must have been telling the truth; only she could have inverted the evil so exactly].

And the reverse. Things I did for her, things I gave to her, that she claimed my Nsibling had done or given, or that she had acquired for herself. [A particularly nasty twist: some major appliances I bought for her that she claimed she had taken out a home equity loan to buy for herself because I refused to help her.]

Vicious, vicious stuff. It took me ages to deal with it.

I was, thank God, not hindered by disbelief. The one saving grace that I had was that because I'd known all my life that there was something 'wrong' in her relating to me, I could believe all of it when it finally came into the open. It made sense of all the weird little things I'd heard, all the strange little things she did, the furtiveness, the sneakiness, the witholding of information, the mean little 'gotcha' games she used to play. It all fell into place perfectly without a seam.

I hated her then. I pity her now. I doubt that I will ever mourn her.


My Nmother did basically the same crap to me as your Nmother did to you.  Even after she died, a lot of her crap was thrown in my face by other Nrelatives (i.e. "Your mother told me you are a whore and I believe it!" or "You're NOTHING but a RETARD and you're wasting space in a university classroom!  You'll never amount to anything!")  I have divorced all of those Nrelatives and have absolutely NO contact with them.  I'm still going through the "hating stage" and I curse her name every day!



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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2007, 08:27:53 PM »
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2007, 09:28:08 PM »
Oh my.


This was therapy night after work, sorry I was away till now.

All I can do is hug you both and say I understand... I do... and it will eventually hurt less. It really will.

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"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2007, 09:34:28 PM »

Thanks, Gratitude!



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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2007, 09:35:53 PM »
Oh my.


This was therapy night after work, sorry I was away till now.

All I can do is hug you both and say I understand... I do... and it will eventually hurt less. It really will.

Thanks, Stormy!



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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2007, 11:41:05 PM »
Hi Storm,

Love that post!  How true...  For years and years and years I carried so much guilt and shame that I did not like my own mother.  I definitely picked up on the taboo.  First, there is no voice within the family of origin and then society tells us we may not have a voice outside of the family either.  Double whammy!

I freed myself of my mother last spring.  I had only one contact with her and that was at my grandfather's funeral (her father).  She was an embarrassing mess and didn't miss a second to shift all the focus onto herself through her bizarre histrionics.  I observed this, but felt removed and actually quite amused much of the time.  It has been a blissful nine months without her in my life.  I have let go.  This group (thank the mighty Heavens and Dr. Grossman) enabled me to begin to heal.  It has been beautiful to watch the growth, awareness and healing of others who were here when I first arrived and found their way here after I settled in.

I do not like to bash, but have come to a place where I just cannot find the kind of diplomacy I once was able to conjure up so frequently.  I am tired (as it sounds like you are) of making excuses for people's inexcusable behavior.  We do our best to make a go of these relationships, to do right, and to mend fences.  There are times it is absolutely necessary to "jump ship".

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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2007, 11:45:55 PM »

I have missed you so much and wondered how you were. I am so glad to hear from you and to hear that you are picking up, moving on and doing well! I've really missed you!!!!!!

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2007, 11:57:36 PM »
((((((((((((((((((((Beth)))))))))))))))))))  Back at ya!

I really should be writing a paper tonight, but I have been meaning to stop in for awhile.  Paper-schmaper!

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Re: The "Bad Mommy Taboo"
« Reply #44 on: January 24, 2007, 12:12:43 AM »
ANS, you sound plenty diplomatic to me. Nary a bash in the place.

So glad to see you here and so glad that all is well.

Yes; I think excusing the inexcusable is part of the kit. It is part of the futile exercise of trusting the untrustworthy, seeking love from the unloving, seeking care from the uncaring, seeking mercy from the merciless.

Such people do exist. It is not our fault that they exist... and since it is not our fault, we do not need to allow them to punish us lifelong for it.

We don't have to hate them [permanently; we may be unable to avoid hating them for awhile during the process of separating ourselves from them - but in that case, they've usually hated us lifelong, and our transient hating back is a fleabite on a volcano, by comparison].

Most importantly, it is not hating them when we choose to remove ourselves to a safe distance so that they can no longer harm us.

Added on edit: I am reminded of C.S. Lewis' writings on the imprecatory Psalms... the Psalms in which the writer really, really hates someone, and lets it all hang out.

Theologians have been bemused by these Psalms over the centuries. Why would such things be made part of a sacred text?

I love Lewis' reasoning. They are there because they describe the way a trapped and helpless victim of evil feels, in his or her heart. They are there to show us how great is the damage that evil can do to the trapped and helpless soul. And they are there to teach us that we may be unable to help having these feelings, at various times in our lives - and that God wanted to be sure we would know, when we do, that He understands even this. So that we can admit these feelings to Him without shame, so that we may heal all the sooner from them.

Paper schmaper yourself! :-) :-) it is SO GOOD TO SEE YOU HERE!!!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 12:30:14 AM by Stormchild »
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"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52