You are awesome!!!!
I know you did not get everything you wanted but, YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY TO FREEDOM!!! Even the mediator agreed.
I remember reading that one of the worst things someone can do is take an N to court. Why? Because, I suppose, court is like the N's ultimate supply: In court, Ns use the legal system to obtain power and control. But not yesterday!!!!
On the whole, you've done well with your NH in court because even the mediator saw what an N he is and the mediator maneuvered her way around him by agreeing to the 40%, otherwise, he would have no incentive to sell!! Seems like a sharp mediator. If you didn't give NH 40%, he'd drain you and spin you for years by preventing the sale of the farm.
Also, even the mediator said "you are going to be rich when this is over simply because you are going to be free of him.". YA!! Sounds like the mediator has a lot of experience and she knows freedom from an N when she sees it.
Also, the alimony: That's big!! NH was against it, but he caved. Wow!! And what's bigger is that the court probably wouldn't have given you ANY alimony, so this alimony issue is a big win for you. True, you had to give up the 40%, but if you didn't give up the 40%, NH would have jerked you around for years by preventing a sale.
Also, by reaching an agreement now, you will save legal fees which you would have had to pay if you went to court.
So, on balance, seems you did very well. I'm happy for you.
Make sure that the agreement which the mediator writes up truly reflects the all terms of the agreement reached in mediatation.
Also, speak to your lawyer re: consequences & penalties if NH fails to pay alimony, ie: payments not made will be deducted from his 40% or something like that.
I agree with GS, try not to show him your emotional reactions, don't let him see you sweat because it's all supply for him. Strong boundaries will dry up his supply and hopefully, he'll loose interest in trying to provoke you and will move on to his next unfortunate victim.