I'm feeling better today, but I had a horrible day Monday.
I woke up feeling terribly oppressed, almost uncontrollably so. My N Parents ,who I am quarrelling with at present, ( well in reality eversince I can remember, more accurately to this extent since about 1.5 years) returned from a few days away.
What do you mean Nic? Yes forum participators My wife and I live next door to my parents. * expecting to receive a shoe each from all of you* OUCH! They left, without telling us for the second time this year. Understand, I do not care where they go or who they visit. However, my passive N father is 80 years old and my fully active N mother is 76, and without needing to know their comings and goings, my wife and I believe that a note (AT LEAST!) in the post box would be a responsible thing for them to do when they go. BUT NOOO!
The last time they did this, they left in a horrible storm and it was very cold outside for several days. When they returned, their hot water heater had exploded and there was water everywhere..( I'm still given to laughing hysterically about that one!) Because they had begun telling everyone that my wife and I were no longer being
nice to them, they had an alarm system installed in their addition to the house making it impossible for us ( they did not give us the combo of course) to check on things while they were away.
This time they just left. A word about them being away from me physically. I don't know if any of you have ever experienced this, here goes. For some reason, I can sense it when my parents are within 100kms radius of me. Don't laugh, it's true! Even as a child and whether or not I was aniticipating their return, I could feel it when they were about to come around. I get uncomfortable, i begin to feel "me" receeding, I begin to change. I feel uneasy, I begin to feel as if I were being silenced ( losing my voice- as in voicelessness) . That's how it felt when I was a child particularly. Now as an adult- I'm forty- I still feel when they're on the way, getting closer, and inevitably there they are. I don't know if it's catching but my wife seems to be developing the ability as well. She describes it as " them and all their demons coming back".
Whenever they leave our country home, the place livens up. It's like even the land can't stand their presence! Everything is brighter, more lovely, lighter in atmosphere. My wife and I are both more relaxed, and frankly enjoy EVERYTHING more.
My parents returned on sunday night. I woke up Monday morning knowing they were there, eventhough I had worked until midnight sunday.
I woke up Monday morning feeling horrible. As if ,again ,they had taken my life energy away. I felt dirty (don't know why) I felt shame ( don't know why) I felt like I shouldn't be in my own house ( don't know why) I felt awful! As I lay in bed I thought, " I'm stuck with these two until they die! I'm trapped, how could I have allowed myself, ESPECIALLY after a life-time of struggling with them,to have purchased a property with them?"
How could I have permitted myself to promise I would take care of them in their old age? How and why did you do this Nic? Because you're
nice and
generous and such a joy to be around?
Almost immediately after these thoughts plus a few others such as, " How could you have done this to your own wife?!", I had a suicidal thought. It sprang out at me from the pit of my being. I pictured myself caught, trapped, couldn't breathe. I felt like a hostage. I know that psychologically, hostages feel trapped and once released often suffer from depression and lack of motivation. But this was new. I felt embarrassed that I wasn't just thinking about suicide but actually
feeling about suicide. I thought Oh my God, i'm scared just now! And then the feeling went away. I pushed the thought right out of my mind, in a flash I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I wondered, could it come back?
You see, after having allowed myself to buy a property with my parents, I thought I had covered all bases. I have been to therapy, ( mother is a pill popping alcoholic-once in therapy-off the pills but can't give up the alcohol) I have established boundaries. I thought they could build a small granny hut type addition to the house my wife and I live in, with a neutral zone in the middle so nobody would step on anybody's toes.
The way it turned out is, they built a huge addition to our house and have taken over the neutral zone!!! PLUS, as expressed in the old message board, they are taking my wife and I to court because they no longer wish to live there ( we're not being nice) and they want to force a sale. Like classic Ns they are no longer worshipped enough and can't take responsibility for anything. My wife is an outsider who has changed me horribly from who I was " before I married that woman"! Get the picture?
So, Monday I felt I couldn't handle it anymore. I feel horrible that i'm in this situation in the first place. Can absolutely not believe this is happening to me. On monday I was exhausted at fighting with them and having them twist everything to their advantage. Past angry at them for deciding they weren't playing anymore 'cos I'm not.
I hope this is clear enough for you all.
Several issues are present here. Narcisim, is the central one. Enmeshed relationship with my N parents another, anger,frustration, having to actually get and pay for a lawyer to fight my own parents..It's all so incredible, imagine my disappointment when I pinch myself!
Imagine the embarrassment of having to tell people that my parents are taking me to court. The thought actually made one of my colleagues gag for heaven's sake!
This has been ongoing for two years now. Why don't you move Nic? Because I put all my ressources into this property, and extra money is going toward paying the lawyers.
My wife says that my N parents cannot accept that I have as good a life or better one than theirs. They naturally hate my wife, mainly because she was brought up in a "normal" family. Plus she's a Scot, and you don't pull the wool over a scot's eyes easily i'll tell ya! My wife is my greatest support, nothing I say or do makes her think I'm weird. She is a normal person, not perfect just normal. She never EVER berates me, she never EVER says anything unkind to me. Quite the catch for a survivor of N parents, quite the prize for a voiceless person I think!. Kind of like getting the cure before you know you've got the illness. A miracle.
But the shame of having these horrible days, like this monday. The shame of her seeing how I was raised. They tried to get her to play their game and she never has in almost ten years now. Even when she says she'd like to shoot them and throw them in the river ( yes we live on a river

) I look at her and almost say: " don't be so mean!"
It's horrible and it makes me feel even more ashamed. Like Mr. Ronsenblum protecting Adolf Hitler. Like the victim wanting to spare the perpetrator.
And so I must live with this situation until it has passed. I've mentionned before that I no longer have a relationship with my parents. We don't casually say hello anymore. How could we? My father AND mother still wave to me when I'm alone in the hope that i'll return to " how things used to be" and they turn their backs on me when I'm with my wife. Not to mention how they turn their backs on her and hate here for spoiling their plans for themselves...It's so sick. I'm in the process of getting out. I wish I could snap my fingers and be a million miles away sometimes..
Luckily I have faith. I realize I must go through the fire holding God's hand. But this past monday brought me very close to the edge. I was upset at myself for thinking about suicide. I said to myself, " come on Nic, you've got enough problems..don't make things worse by spooking yourself on top of it!"
Also, please, don't be alarmed, I'm not thinking about throwing myself in the river with cement overshoes. I WOULD NOT manipulate,or attention seek by bringing up suicide. But I wanted/needed to express to you just how I feel when I have a bad day related to my parents and my horrible history and situation with them. I need to have your comments and or need of clarification. Please tell me if you've felt this way yourselves.
I've been walking around thinking that although we all have our parental horror stories mine have got to be the worst! Honestly I have.
I'm rather very tired of the roller-coaster ride i've been on for nearly two years. I am going to remove myself from my parents ASAP. I've said it before here, it's easier to get away from a religious sect ( having done just that at one point!

) than getting away from my parents.
AND, i will return , i can't wait to return with positive,whitty, friendly, loving posts. Soon I hope.