Thank you GS and Axa...
It was wonderful. She and I had a big fight last summer when all her pain and anger from divorces, her exasperation at my mother (and me), her fury over her Dad's early death...poured out...then we were "cooled" for a while and it caused us both a lot of heartache.
This weekend was wonderful. Her new apt. is cozy and interesting. We feasted (she's become a wonderful vegetarian cook), went to a disturbing but excellent movie (The Last King of Scotland), talked more than in ages (which means I LISTENED, having set aside my ever-ready opinions and overanxious reactions), took a looooong walk in a beautiful park on a sunny day, went out and played pool together (both of us pathetic), had laughs with her pets, I went to her workplace and met her coworkers, bought her a nice jacket, and we went out to breakfast and to church together this morning and relaxed and meditated together and I left after a biiiiiiiiiig hug. It was so healing.
She is coming up here in two weeks.
I drove back on icy roads today (passed two bad wrecks, got behind salt trucks part of the way). Home safe and sound, Mom had manged okay with her "sitter", and I baked a huge yummy apple-pear-walnut-date-oatmeal-cristp thing for my covenant group Tuesday night.
All in all a nourishing weekend on every level.