Hi Hopsy,
I wish I could do that. In fact, we talked about it some this summer. When she is having difficulty with my parents, she will tell me. But if I initiate a discussion, I am met with stoniness. Also, I was just stunned to learn that she and my mother have been discussing my "traits" forever... The latest was this deal with my husband. I told my mother to give my husband a bit of time to get used to being home before she had him decide what he wanted for Christmas gifts. I told her he might need to get used to everything first and then could let them know. A few days later, she was asking if we were having problems. I talked to my sister and said, "You will never guess what Mom asked me." Her answer, "Oh, I know, about you having problems with your husband. Not sure why she thought that." BUt it was said as if... end of discussion. I don't think I am being paranoid... I more think my eyes are opening, but they have been doing this for decades, apparently. I just never thought of it because I don't do it. I guess it is the triangulation that storm brought up.
They have already made it clear that they think I am "high maintenance". There is NOONE in my life that has given me any indication that I act this way. I am not at all beyond recognizing bad habits/traits in myself, but this is not one of mine, I don't believe.
Ahhhh, hops, I just don't know. I just wish I could remove my focus, shrug it off and just say, F'em...
Love, Beth