hi dazed
first pastin in your dream

Last night's dream: I was in my house and my mother was there (she was alive) and I believe I turned on a blender, but it wouldn't work and it melted. I looked at my mother and asked her "am I dead?" and she looked at me and softly and sadly shook her head and said "yes". And, then I kind of knew that she was dead and that I had joined her.
so here goes some thoughts ...
the blender could be about how you could had thought u could blend harmoniously with your mom as best friend..
and that it melted,,, some awareness that the blending concept when scruntinized
, the blender could not stand the scrutiny of new insights[fire] and melted so it no longer worked...
but you only partially are freed of this and still looking to what gave you sense of nurturance[mother]
and that old nurturance no longer works for you.....
and in a way you are sad that you cant tap into it like you thought you could...
and knowing that you had joined her....
i think would be that the former sense of joy
could no longer give the same sense of support....
when a narcissist favors someone
one can be enthralled and in a way feel empowered
that is not totally without some kind of positive aspects
as i think one's guardian angels might realize there are some lessons
that are of some worth about some positive aspects of enthusiasm
tho mixed with hidden and entangled energies
the way i think narcissist work is even tho they let someone join
in as an enthusiastic cohort
that the others real sense of true self and enthusiasm
tho one might not realize that that is happening
becomes a kind of doubt about oneself
so as to highlight the narcissist version of their wonderfu self....
one of my sisters used to at times question some aspects of our mother
but i think when issues in her life troubled her and raised doubts about herself and her enthusiasm
that old hook of mothers energy and joy became appealing
as a way out of her doubt and to energize herself..
which by the grace of god might help to some degree
get her thru something and even over the hidden and toxic stuff
without really realizing she has freed herself of it...
but when that sister wants to tell me how wonderful mom really
was and there isnt anything mom wouldnt do for one...
kinda sticks in my craw.. is that how it is spelled....