Author Topic: Encountered an N in a prayer group today!  (Read 1673 times)

Gaining Strength

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Encountered an N in a prayer group today!
« on: January 24, 2007, 11:08:31 AM »
Thanks to Bones post about an on-line N classmate, I realized that that is what I encountered this morning. 

On Wednesdays I go to a centering prayer group at 7:30am.  There are a couple of new people who have been there for 4 weeks.  This morning no priests were there as usual and only one other regular was there besides the two newbies.  We read the gospel for the coming sunday and then ring a bell to mark the beginning of 20 minutes of silence.  I got the bell ringing assignment.  I rang the bell at 7:39 and decided I would go until 8:00 - 1 minute over.  Well at 7:59 the newbie, who had in a few miniutes exhibited an inordinate need to control, looked up and said, TIME and began reading the gospel. 

It flew all over me.  WAY beyond the offense.  So rather than stay for a discussion I just picked up my purse and left.  Even before she did that I was trying to let my irritation go.  unfortunately, I didn't quite make it.  At 8:15 I go to the church next door for school chapel with my son.  I was trying to process the event and trying to forgive and ask for forgiveness and getting no peace about it.  But what I did get was that it touched that deep pain that I have been trying to shine the light on, that deep pain of having been ignored and put down by my parents as a young child grasping for affection, acknowledgement and love. 

I have been praying for revelation of that deep pain that I know is binding me and this was surprisingly an answer to that prayer.  The same thing came up at my T's yesterday.  I am very thankful to have this exposed.  This is truly a core issue.  Now I must go to work for the healing.  I'm not sure how to go about it but I am open to finding the answer as surely as I found the pain.

So glad Bones shared her experience.  It shed light on mine.  now I know that what I experienced was another Nish act stepping on my feet and negating my presence and my being.  It was a perfect replica of my childhood experience.

Thanks for listening - Gaining Strengt


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Re: Encountered an N in a prayer group today!
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 02:23:18 PM »

Once involved with an N, it becomes easier to spot other N's or at least Nish behaviour.

NPD was not included as a Disorder, in the Manual, until about 1980, yet the disorder existed and psychologists have gone back in time to tell us who was an N.
Therefore I feel comfortable going back in time and saying my father was an N. I see my sister is an N. My daughter married and divorced an N. I lived with one for 4 years. The world is full of them.
The latter was such a rageful environment, like when I was a child, that I  felt like that child again. Powerless.

After I left him, was when I learned about NPD and PSD, then set out to heal myself, and had to start as a child.

I have also been one who believes whatever happened to me happened for a reason. Had I not met and lived with the horror of an N/P, I would still be stuck looking for answers in all the wrong places.

(Things always have to get worse before they get better?)

Congrats on spotting that behaviour.


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Re: Encountered an N in a prayer group today!
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 06:36:09 PM »
Thanks to Bones post about an on-line N classmate, I realized that that is what I encountered this morning. 

On Wednesdays I go to a centering prayer group at 7:30am.  There are a couple of new people who have been there for 4 weeks.  This morning no priests were there as usual and only one other regular was there besides the two newbies.  We read the gospel for the coming sunday and then ring a bell to mark the beginning of 20 minutes of silence.  I got the bell ringing assignment.  I rang the bell at 7:39 and decided I would go until 8:00 - 1 minute over.  Well at 7:59 the newbie, who had in a few miniutes exhibited an inordinate need to control, looked up and said, TIME and began reading the gospel. 

It flew all over me.  WAY beyond the offense.  So rather than stay for a discussion I just picked up my purse and left.  Even before she did that I was trying to let my irritation go.  unfortunately, I didn't quite make it.  At 8:15 I go to the church next door for school chapel with my son.  I was trying to process the event and trying to forgive and ask for forgiveness and getting no peace about it.  But what I did get was that it touched that deep pain that I have been trying to shine the light on, that deep pain of having been ignored and put down by my parents as a young child grasping for affection, acknowledgement and love. 

I have been praying for revelation of that deep pain that I know is binding me and this was surprisingly an answer to that prayer.  The same thing came up at my T's yesterday.  I am very thankful to have this exposed.  This is truly a core issue.  Now I must go to work for the healing.  I'm not sure how to go about it but I am open to finding the answer as surely as I found the pain.

So glad Bones shared her experience.  It shed light on mine.  now I know that what I experienced was another Nish act stepping on my feet and negating my presence and my being.  It was a perfect replica of my childhood experience.

Thanks for listening - Gaining Strengt

WOW, GS!  Isn't it amazing how God works?!?!?  I'm glad I could help since it helps to heal the both of us.



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Re: Encountered an N in a prayer group today!
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2007, 07:24:33 PM »
I hope it's okay to add another unlikely N to this thread.  I was thinking of starting a thread about my newest one but it kind of goes with what GS discovered in her prayer group.

I had been taking yoga off and on for the past year and last week I realized that the instructor, if not an N, definitely has some tendencies.  It had been a few weeks since I'd been in class.  During that time I have experienced some "growth" or something because of things happening at work.  So, it seems like I was approaching yoga with a fresh eye.  I was a new me that night.

And I'm sitting there watching her be the star.  Watching her buzz.  Soaking up the worshipfulness of the other students.  She tends not to know what to do with me.  And I have had mixed feelings ever since starting the class.  But with this fresh eye, it seemed pretty obvious.

I remember the very first class when she said, for the beginners, that it is not a competition, go at your pace, hold each pose for from three to five breaths, etc.  Then we start and I'm not even keeping up.  It was one pose after another, sometimes I hadn't taken even one breath and we're on to the next pose.  But I was new.  I figured it was me.

Last week, I watched her play the room.  She said at one point how good it was that everyone in this class was experienced.  It would be more fun for her.  We'd barely finish one pose and she's on to the next.  None of them really flowed.  It was very disjointed.  She was looking for opportunities to show us what her favorite poses were.  She'd demonstrate increasingly more difficult ones and not even give anyone a chance to try it, if they even wanted to.  Well, it seemed like I was the only one who wasn't with the program.  It was just plain weird to me.

It was like a high pressure contest to me.  She was a terrible show off I thought.  She started using the hindu words for the poses rather than the English.  So, I'm having increasing difficulty keeping up.  What a showoff, I thought.

So, by the end of class I decided I wouldn't be attending any more.  I'd just paid her $56 for 8 sessions and this was the only one I'd be going to.

For once in my life, I didn't beat myself up about it.  My old tapes would have said, "Only you could find a narcissistic yoga instructor!"  "You always quit!"  "You wasted $56!"  "Now what can you do for a hobby, Miss Idawanna?"

No, I just congratulated myself for finally figuring out why I usually didn't look forward to attending class.  Why I never made any friends there.  What it was that was so off about the instructor.

Yes, they are everywhere.  Maybe not all full-blown psychopaths.  But enough Nishness to be a real turn off for people like us who have been through it already.  I was just impressed with myself for seeing it!!!!  It shows growth, I think.  Enough detachment that I can look out for my needs now.  It felt so strange to see something like this and still be able to think clearly and not get all white hot angry.

GS, I can definitely see why you would be triggered, though.  I've been getting triggered all over the place myself lately.  But not necessarily by Ns.  Triggers are good, if you recognize them, because they can be instructive then.

I suppose it's nice that my yoga instructor can make something of a contribution to society in spite of her completely missing the point of the art she teaches full time.  But the students don't realize that, I don't think.  Most of them seem to have understood enough about the practice of yoga to change their lives for the better.  They seem happy enough and that is a nice thing.  But I will have to find my own way, as usual.  I think I'm going to be okay with that.

GS, are you going to keep going to your prayer group?  I hope it's the N who leaves.  Otherwise, she will ruin it for the rest.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Encountered an N in a prayer group today!
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2007, 08:31:07 PM »
GS, I'm so sorry this happened to you... Ns just love places like churches and classrooms, where everyone HAS to focus on THEM. ugh ugh ugh.

Pennyplant, that is awesome! Your awareness, your detachment, your acceptance - your decision that it's not worth the money to continue subjecting yourself to an arid, N-dominated routine that wasn't really giving you what it promised.

Your ability to let go of what can't be helped.

What does an applause smiley look like? I'd like to post a whole slew of 'em!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 09:40:13 PM by Stormchild »
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Encountered an N in a prayer group today!
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2007, 09:28:46 PM »
Hey GS and Pennyplant,

Congrats on spotting the Ns.

It's particularly disconcerting to find Ns in places of spirituality, like church and yoga class.  Unfortunately, they're everywhere.


Gaining Strength

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Re: Encountered an N in a prayer group today!
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2007, 10:13:37 PM »
Congrats on spotting that behaviour.
Thanks Izzy.  It's completely due to this board and today Bones post clued me in.

I have also been one who believes whatever happened to me happened for a reason.
That's a helpful attitude.  My version is that we can grow from the dark painful experiences if we LOOK for the growth.

WOW, GS!  Isn't it amazing how God works?!?!?  I'm glad I could help since it helps to heal the both of us.
Just amazing Bones, just amazing.

For once in my life, I didn't beat myself up about it.  My old tapes would have said, "Only you could find a narcissistic yoga instructor!"  "You always quit!"  "You wasted $56!"  "Now what can you do for a hobby, Miss Idawanna?"
No, I just congratulated myself for finally figuring out why I usually didn't look forward to attending class.

You go girl!! That's the whole key.  Drop the criticism and adopt the praise.  That's my goal.

GS, are you going to keep going to your prayer group?  I hope it's the N who leaves.
PP, I'm definitely going back.  Even if she doesn't leave there are usually enough others there to mute her offensiveness.  But now I will view her as a gauge on how well I'm healing from that deep wound that got scraped again today.

Your ability to let go of what can't be helped.
Ditto Stormy.  Isn't that a big part of wholeness.  I really believe that many people who have something I want are able to do this.  I've actually known this for years but was completely clueless as to how to get there.  I just designated myself as super sensitive in resignation but now I know I don't have to give up.   I can change and I am going to change.  That is my intention.

Congrats on spotting the Ns.
It's nice to learn.


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Re: Encountered an N in a prayer group today!
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2007, 12:49:00 PM »
GS, are you going to keep going to your prayer group?  I hope it's the N who leaves.

PP, I'm definitely going back.  Even if she doesn't leave there are usually enough others there to mute her offensiveness.  But now I will view her as a gauge on how well I'm healing from that deep wound that got scraped again today.

Oh, GS, that is a great idea, to view her as a guage of your progress.  She can be your exercise in detachment as well, possibly.  I find it easier to become detached when I have knowledge.  Knowledge of what is wrong with them that is causing me to react.  I'm so used to thinking that something is wrong with me because I'm feeling something--when really I'm reacting to something that is wrong often enough.

Knowledge is power which can lead to positive change.

We're definitely getting there!!!

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Encountered an N in a prayer group today!
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2007, 03:04:12 PM »
Congrats on spotting that behaviour.
Thanks Izzy.  It's completely due to this board and today Bones post clued me in.

I have also been one who believes whatever happened to me happened for a reason.
That's a helpful attitude.  My version is that we can grow from the dark painful experiences if we LOOK for the growth.

WOW, GS!  Isn't it amazing how God works?!?!?  I'm glad I could help since it helps to heal the both of us.
Just amazing Bones, just amazing.

For once in my life, I didn't beat myself up about it.  My old tapes would have said, "Only you could find a narcissistic yoga instructor!"  "You always quit!"  "You wasted $56!"  "Now what can you do for a hobby, Miss Idawanna?"
No, I just congratulated myself for finally figuring out why I usually didn't look forward to attending class.

You go girl!! That's the whole key.  Drop the criticism and adopt the praise.  That's my goal.

GS, are you going to keep going to your prayer group?  I hope it's the N who leaves.
PP, I'm definitely going back.  Even if she doesn't leave there are usually enough others there to mute her offensiveness.  But now I will view her as a gauge on how well I'm healing from that deep wound that got scraped again today.

Your ability to let go of what can't be helped.
Ditto Stormy.  Isn't that a big part of wholeness.  I really believe that many people who have something I want are able to do this.  I've actually known this for years but was completely clueless as to how to get there.  I just designated myself as super sensitive in resignation but now I know I don't have to give up.   I can change and I am going to change.  That is my intention.

Congrats on spotting the Ns.
It's nice to learn.

Thanks, GS!  I'm also amazed how much we are able to see now that our eyes have been opened!
