Does anyone believe in Angles or Spirit Guides?
I apologize it's a little long.
I have always found this very interesting. I was open to it but not convinced. There had never been any proof of this. Just what you believe in right? I had an experience that kind of blew my mind.
My ex was a NYC Firefighter who had a very good friend that was killed in the WTC. His name was Paddy Brown.
We had lost contact so many years ago *about 14 years as a matter of fact) my ex’s friend was an incredible person. He was truly a hero. He inspired many, many people but I don't think he knew how much he did. The day of that horrible attack on the world trade center I looked and thought, OMG, Paddy is in there. When the towers came down, I knew in my heart and soul that they came down on Paddy. I never checked any names or any losses at the WTC I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to know, I didn't want to see. . One day my sister called me who works for the NYC Police Dept. Around May of 2002 my sister called to tell me she had got me a gift for my birthday and decided to give it to me early. There was a CD that was made and all donations were going to the families of all the people lost in the WTC. She had told me she was watching it and how sad it was. I knew she was getting to something but didn't figure out what yet. I don't think I wanted to. She then broke into tears and said at the end they showed all the lost firefighters and police officers and Paddy was one of them. I often thought about Paddy and although I had not seen him in years I always felt he was somewhere, saving someone although he was not in body on this earth but his soul his spirit was still here. . . My son was a football player and in the season of 2002. I never went to a game without my Fire Dept Baseball cap and a purple shirt that was their uniform colors. I promised I would never forget that day of the Attack and so many who gave their lives. A lot of the times I would touch my hat and say come on Paddy and all your boys get on the field and help our boys out. This one particular night everyone was at this game. It was crucial and my son was looking good and playing really good. It was important since he wanted to follow it through with college. He worked really hard and wanted it really bad. TOUCH DOWN!!! BY MY SON!!!!! I was so excited, my friends, family and his friends were all hysterical. You would think we won the super bowl. I stood up screamed into the stand looking for my daughter, She stood screamed, and I announced to all THAT’S MY SON! I WAS SO PROUD. I WAS SO HAPPY FOR HIM. I thanked God and thanked Paddy and his boys for showing up, I felt a presence. Was it real who knows, was it just me wanting it to be real, I don't know. No proof. Just a comforting thought. Seriously, I think that Paddy and his boys had better things to do then covering a football game right? Later that night we found out that my son had an injury during that game in the beginning but he never told anyone. It was very serious where my son had to be transported by helicopter to a Trauma unit for surgery. He had put a hole in his colon when he was tackling someone. He was a very sick kid with 7 hours into his injury. The doctors were worried about the time that had passed. The surgery was done to find that it was a small puncture and my son was in great shape and it came through it with flying colors. Hmmmm,,,,,,, was there an angle, was it Paddy, did he really show up, was he once again protecting? Very comforting thought to me but maybe just a thought right?
In 2003 my daughter had told me she had to do a report for English on Anglo-Saxon hero's and contemporary hero's and compare them and which one she though was the better hero. She picked Paddy brown as a contemporary hero as a tribute to his life.
Her reported was dated March 23, 2003. I found it in April and was heart warming I sent it to the Bravest Memorial Website. It was posted on April 20th on the website.
Christmas of 2003 my son and daughter had a bracelet made for me in Memory of Paddy Brown. They know how I felt about not forgetting. It started with the towers that were centered inside an apple, Capt. Pat brown, a fire helmet, American Flag and ended with an angle. I loved it. It was the best present I ever got.
OK here is where it gets a little freaky. I wanted to believe and yet had some doubts this is where it turned around for me and I believe Paddy is gone in body but not in spirit.
On March 22, 2004 my cousin was here who was in my wedding party along with Paddy Brown. We were talking and I showed her my braclet and my daughters report. My daughter was going out to a concert and saying her goodbyes to us all. We all turned and said, ok have fun be careful but with more intent of being careful then usual. Later that night I got a call from my daughter that she had been in a car accident and totaled her car. She was going across an intersection where she couldn’t see a pick up truck coming that hit her. It hit her smack in the center of the passenger side where my niece was sitting. The pick up truck had two people and an infant.
No one was hurt. When they towed my daughters car in I almost fainted even the roof folded up she was hit so hard. Someone was looking over them that night. I did something that I never do. I don’t know why I did it. It was like I was being drawn to it.
I don’t do email. Rarely I do. Right after the car was towed into the driveway I sat down and checked my email I had an email from a woman who has a web site dedicated to The World Trade Center and never forgetting. She had seen my daughter's post of her essay on the Bravest Memorial Website and wanted to start a section for Firefighters and would I give permission to post it. It would start with Paddy Browns Picture and underneath the essay. The date of her email was March 22, 2004, I looked at it after 12:00 am, which would have been, March 23rd. right after they towed my daughter's car home with my daughter safe and sound. I looked at my daughters essay again on the original post and it was dated March 23rd, 2003. This was a little too much of a coincidence for me and his way of telling me I am not wrong, he is here still protecting.
Was Paddy riding in the car with my daughter the night of her accident? Was he in the helicopter with my son and standing holding his hand through surgery? I believe. I need to believe.
Has any of you ever had similar things happen like this. You feel someone is trying to tell you they are still here even if not of this earth?
I have been thinking of him a lot this week and wanted to share with you all.
They may be gone but never forgotten
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand