Author Topic: Daughters of Nmothers and appearance/beauty/body issues?  (Read 3455 times)


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Re: Daughters of Nmothers and appearance/beauty/body issues?
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2007, 11:40:21 PM »
Dear Sunshine,

I think you hit the nail on the is our attractiveness that draws the N to us.  The supply of good feelings  the N receives when we are on their arm is why they hooked us in in the first place. 

Like a few others here, I was a gawky kid that didn't come into my own until high school, at which time I was able to take control of my appearance and style.  Unfortunately, my mother found my style embarrassing.  The outside world always thought I looked great and made me feel wonderful, my mother made comments such as "your wearing that?"  "do something with your hair!"  "a little makeup might help!"  She just never got I had style.

I loved dressing my babies in fun clothes I would find on the sale racks of European clothing stores.  I once lucked out on a sale of European children's shoes for $5 a pair.  We made a shoe store in one of the closets and had the coolest shoes for years to come. My mother just didn't get it!  She would insist I bring the children to stay with her for the weekend.  She would promtly cut their hair, redress them in clothes she bought that she thought was appropriate style clothing and buy them shoes she liked.  She would take them to the mall and have their pictures taken.  The pictures never looked like my kids, they were her version of what she wanted my kids to look like.  She would hang the pictures of the kids that she had taken in her home.  I had black and white photos taken of the kids looking like kids wearing things like a white tee shirt and their overalls and tousled hair...she had no interest in picture of the kids looking like kids, she only liked her version. 

When I would go to pick up my "madeover children"  I couldn't wait to get them home and put them in their normal clothes and shoes.  I would be devastated that she had cut their curls.  When I would complain to my N husband he would say I was being ungrateful, she had bought them clothes.  Since she was being generous enough to babysit I felt like a jerk complaining about that fact that she was insulting my taste and parenting by redoing them.  I can now fully understand I had every right to be outraged and should have told her they would not return if she insisted on remaking them everytime the came over. 

My 21 daughter recently recalled her makeover weekends.  She said it was kinda fun for her but she asked me how must I have felt when I picked them up and they didn't look like them.  She got that it was incredibly insulting to me as a daughter.  Bravo darling....may  you never but up with the same shit your mother has!



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Re: Daughters of Nmothers and appearance/beauty/body issues?
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2007, 07:55:43 AM »
Bravo darling....may  you never but up with the same shit your mother has!

Gap--love your quote above!  Amen and hallelujah!!  Sing it sist-a!

Sounds like the "rag doll theory"----you know, play with people like they are dolls and then throw them in the corner when they are finished. 

I can't believe she CUT THEIR HAIR!!!!!    I woulda went ballistic.  Someone else did that once with one of my kids--a babysitters mom.  I did go ballistic.  Course N H said I was overreacting.  It was her first haircut and they didn't even save a bit.   :twisted:

Take care of you, beautiful!



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Re: Daughters of Nmothers and appearance/beauty/body issues?
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2007, 08:33:06 AM »
Gap and Divine,

You're cracking me up.


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Wanted to give you a heads up.



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Re: Daughters of Nmothers and appearance/beauty/body issues?
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2007, 09:20:49 AM »
When I was reading the makeover postings, I remembered something from back when I was working at the job I retired from.  My then-co-worker was sharing with me something her ex-MIL did that just did NOT make any sense at the time.  My co-worker described that when she was a newlywed with her first husband, she and her then-husband had gone to work.  (She had her first home decorated the way she liked.)  When she got home from work, she discovered that her then-MIL had let herself into their apartment, re-did everything to her own tastes and threw out the things that my co-worker had carefully selected to decorate her home!  Her then-husband didn't understand what the broo-ha-ha was about and defended his mother.  Needless to say, the marriage did not last.  I didn't blame my co-worker for going ballistic!  If I knew then what I know now, I would have been able to enlighten my co-worker that she was dealing with two N's.



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Re: Daughters of Nmothers and appearance/beauty/body issues?
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2007, 09:30:48 AM »
Ahhh, JB, so glad you have tattoos.
I had to really fight inside myself to accept my daughter's. Last time I was there I found I had changed. Instead of being afraid (they represented to me things that showed her great pain) I found myself looking at pictures she'd posted on the wall. I just "saw" them and some were lovely. I said, show me ones you like, tell me what you like about them. The look on her face made it all worthwhile. I realized.

(Fortunately, the skulls and death's heads are on her butt where I don't have to admire them.  :mrgreen:)

Re. Jackiegueee K...I think inside my mother feels SHE is royalty. She was obsessed. Queen, Diana, anybody who ever curled a lip and said to a servant, "Fetch." She grew up poor and married well-to-do. But nothing was ever enough...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."