Thanks for the support.
Yes, my daughter does have a cell phone. We bought it for her a little over a year a go. Ex found out about it and confiscates it duirng her visits and returns it to her when she leaves.
Thank you for all the advice. It is very much appreciated.
Thank you, friend.
Hops, daylily, tt,
Thank you for the words of support. They are so needed right now.
My kids and I are feeling those hugs. thanks.
We looked into getting a mini tape recorder for the children to take with them but it failed us. Do you have any suggestions as to a particular brand regarding mini cam corders that could be hidden? We are willing to pay whatever it costs. We want something that won't fail again and something that he's not likely to find and something that the children won't be aware of either. I wanted to sew something into my son's winter coat. we have been reinforcing to them that everyone believes them from the police to the school counselor to us to their uncles, etc. They are aware that Dad is the one with the problem. we also expressed that what dad did was in many ways more vile than the actual act of the woman. Whether or not I should have said that ...I don't know but I did.
we have a lawyer who is working feverishly on my children's behalf.
moonlight, leah, axa,
thank you so much!
It really helped to find all the support here. It has helped strengthen me a little. I'm not the type to cry but I have done more than my fair share over the last couple weeks and I don't like to do that b/c I want to be strong for the kids.
Thank you all so very very much.