Towrite, I'm very sorry you have gone through this. It won't help, I know, but I recently confronted someone who reacted in the exact same way: basically announced they simply weren't going to read what I wrote to them.
It was crazymaking, completely, because they had accused me of doing something I had not done, and I wrote to confront them and present the facts, set the record straight.
When they responded as they did, I realized that the bottom line was that I wasn't dealing with a healthy person.
End of message, end of the line. End of respect, and end of any attempt at real communication.
And this was a mere acquaintance. It was very easy to stop associating with them. No pain, and much gain.
I tried, as a young woman, to 'get through' to my parents on many many occasions, especially my narcissistic mother, and they pretty much pulled the same thing... "la la la la I can't hear you"... never as directly and blatantly, but the same message came through: We're not going to listen to you because we don't want to know the facts, this isn't about the facts, it's about us making things up about you, nyaah.
This is NOT the response of a balanced, adult personality. That's pretty much the only thing you can say about it.