Author Topic: they all who told me so were right  (Read 1479 times)


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they all who told me so were right
« on: January 30, 2007, 01:05:23 PM »
This is a message I received from my XN when I tried to educate her about her disorder. I know, I know, I shouldn't have wasted my breath, but I guess I had to see for myself.

I'm not reading this. You have hurt me enough, over and over again. I'm sure you have valid points to make; I have about a million I'd like to make with regard to you, too. Nonetheless, I'm not interesting in picking apart your flaws to hurt you. I am also not interested in being hurt anymore. I know I am broken in many ways, but I am living my life the best way I know how. I also know that I hold no malice in my heart toward you and I had nothing but good intentions when I called you last week. Knowing those details as my own truth and knowing your latest diatribe was written to hurt me, I am simply not reading it. The emotional price I make when you unload your heart is too high. Go. Be happy. Please do not write me again.

Nothing but projection, presenting herself as a victim, --- would somebody please read this and tell me if I'm right?  I feel awful. I so wanted this rel'ship to work out. I'm feeling weak and wrung out with what I now see.

"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
Time wounds all heels.


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Re: they all who told me so were right
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 02:08:38 PM »
Trust me, you are not alone in hoping that you could get your n to "see the light" if they would just listen, read, get therapy, etc.  There have been many times when I have wanted to direct my xnh to a book, article, website, or tell him all the things my T has said about him.  It still occasionally happens now, after being away from him for over 3 years.  But I do know now that it would be a total waste of time and energy and I would get the same blank stare I got when I asked him how he could cheat on me, leave his children, disappoint his family--and all the rest, 3 years ago.

They do not think they ever did anything wrong.  They do not comprehend your pain at what they have done.  They feel no empathy for the grief and anger they caused.  They are not wired like you and I and that is why we can't understand it.  We feel all that pain to the very core of our souls and they walk away shaking their heads and thinking we're crazy.

I'm sorry for your pain and I totally understand it.  Eventually you will come to terms with the fact that she cannot.




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Re: they all who told me so were right
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2007, 02:27:14 PM »
Actually I showed one of the dysfunctional people in my life, some info about a person who was raised by and NPD mother.  that dysfunctional person clearly could tell me "oh yes you are right about that.  If a person is raised in that way, by someone who is self-serving and neglectful, they will grow into an adult with real issues..." yet this person who was that child raised that way, could NOT see that it referred to them as well.


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Re: they all who told me so were right
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2007, 03:15:52 PM »
Aw, towrite,

I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling.  I know it only to well.  Don’t beat up on yourself.  We all have done the same thing.  I think for most of us here it’s all a process and although we all share the same pain it’s different for each of us how we get though it. Trying to educate her won’t work although we keep trying and trying.  Read, Read, Read.
Talk, Talk, Talk.

I think it is a good idea that you should not write her anymore.  No phone calls either.
If you need to ask questions, express that she has a disorder, write it HERE.  We will acknowledge your feelings share ours and hold your hand through it.  AND WE WILL NEVER tell you not to write us again.
We are here for you.  We are here for each other.

One day at a time towrite,

Love Deb.


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Re: they all who told me so were right
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2007, 11:42:27 PM »
Towrite, I'm very sorry you have gone through this. It won't help, I know, but I recently confronted someone who reacted in the exact same way: basically announced they simply weren't going to read what I wrote to them.

It was crazymaking, completely, because they had accused me of doing something I had not done, and I wrote to confront them and present the facts, set the record straight.

When they responded as they did, I realized that the bottom line was that I wasn't dealing with a healthy person.

End of message, end of the line. End of respect, and end of any attempt at real communication.

And this was a mere acquaintance. It was very easy to stop associating with them. No pain, and much gain.

I tried, as a young woman, to 'get through' to my parents on many many occasions, especially my narcissistic mother, and they pretty much pulled the same thing... "la la la la I can't hear you"... never as directly and blatantly, but the same message came through: We're not going to listen to you because we don't want to know the facts, this isn't about the facts, it's about us making things up about you, nyaah.

This is NOT the response of a balanced, adult personality. That's pretty much the only thing you can say about it.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2007, 11:50:54 PM by Stormchild »
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: they all who told me so were right
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2007, 12:09:00 AM »
to write   

I am sorry your feelings were hurt and the disappointing reply.

I think not expecting to change others is helpful.

when ever I feel confused about a response I receive That is a clue this is unhealthy.

on the other hand toxic responses can come in all forms very direct (no doubt about the meanness intended)
also there are veiled threats or just clever lines just done to have another shot at you.

there is the way to get unhooked if ya get hurt enough that's all you want to do .......
no contact

is there any room for an Epiphany??????
I do not know ......


« Last Edit: January 31, 2007, 12:22:53 AM by moonlight52 »


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Re: they all who told me so were right
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2007, 12:29:23 AM »

You are right. The door is not open to communication. Her message is prettily put and very heartfelt. All about HER feelings. All about what you did wrong. All about her hurt.
At this point I would say back way off. There is a deliberate poignancy in her reply. She says she doesn't want to talk but she is spellbindingly articulate and talking the language of pain. She doesn't want to work it out because that is too painful and too real.
I feel sorry for you still trapped in the land of double messages. Give yourself a break bud. Maybe a reprieve for a week. Then if you can make a week, extend it. You are torturing yourself trying to make the relationship work now.
Keep writing here. You won't be blown off when you have your heart on your sleeve.

Sea storm


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Re: they all who told me so were right
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2007, 09:04:23 AM »
Ditto everyone.
(Wow. Such wise souls. When someone is in the acute pain, and in the's light.)

I especially found this direct and graceful, Brig:
I'm sorry for your pain and I totally understand it.  Eventually you will come to terms with the fact that she cannot.

If it's not already, it can become an obsession. Very harmful to you and no particular effect on her except the way a mosquito annoys one. Do you have a therapist? I think it would help you a lot to also have a 3-D place to vent your anguish.

Keep it up here, too, as much as you need.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: they all who told me so were right
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2007, 08:47:31 AM »

It has taken me a long time, while with XN and since I have left, that what you say, feel etc means nothing.  I know this is what we struggle with so much in a relationship with an N.  Its the malignent hope that some day they will hear us.  THEY WILL NOT.  THEY DO NOT CARE.  Stop putting yourself in their shoes, how you would feel etc.  because nothing could be farther from the truth.  THEY ARE RIGHT.

Somewhere in you, imo, i belive you know this person will not acknowledge what was your truth and yet you keep trying to make them see your truth.  It is such a waste of time.  I realise how difficult this is.  I know the pain of wanting to be seen and heard when the person barely cares for your existence.

Ns have no empathy.  Ns need somewhere to discharge their rage......... you and I and others here were nothing other than a vessel they could vomit their hatred and rage into.  Its so hard to know this but just look at their behaviour.  I challenge people here would any of them wittingly here treat another person in the way the N in their lives had treated them.  My guess is a resounding NO.  Sure we have all made mistakes, hurt people but this is about being human, learning, making amends.  With Ns they just want to next source of supply and to hell with what they have left in their wake.

I do belive that addiction is a key to unlocking the N dynamic relationship.  I ordered Escape from Intimacy which Hops recommended and that is where my energy is going, that and staying away from the N.

NO CONTACT really is the easiest way in the long run TOwrite, otherwise you keep getting caught up in the crazymaking.

Sending big hugs,
