I had a Sister in Law that told me that, and also an older Sister. My little Sister could suck the oxygen from the room. My Cousin told me that the other day, lol. She is just so draining. It is always me me me, always about her. She has recently went through a divorce and has lost a lot of weight which has made it worse. You will try to talk to her about things, and the conversation always goes back to here, how many bfs she has yadda, yadda, yadda. Nevermind the reason I called her was to tell her updates on Our Brother who is dying.

Her kids think more of me as their Mom, which is sad. I love them very much and they are good kids. I am always trying to fix things and make them better.
I always put myself on the back burner but this thing going on with my Brother and now with my Son who has gone to jail, is taking it's toll. It would just be nice if she asked about Our Brother and mean it, or ask how I am doing.
My Mother is the one that has made her the way she is, always making excuses for her to us other siblings. But there comes a time when you have to grow up and take responsibility, ya know?
Sorry for the vent, I just wondered if anyone else could be going through this with a sibling? Why can't people just stop with the act, and truely care? Just stop thinking of themselves for a change.