Hi Deb,
The truth is, several Ns I have been involved with have made statements like that to me, and I do believe they came from conscience. (Well, the type of conscience some higher-attuned Ns may have.) One said, in telling me how he told his father about me, "And I said Dad, I'm going to hurt her". Another said, "You don't want to be in love with me, I have a very very dark place inside." Another said, "I lie all the time."
And with each, I did feel there was some sense of honor: I have told her what I am. Meanwhile, if she's dancing around with her fingers in her ears going lalalalalalalala can't HEAR you, well, I'm not responsible for her pain. (And I still get laid! Whee!)
But you know, after a while, I realized they were responsible for their behavior, but NOT for my repeated, obsessing, addictive response to it. THAT caused me most of the pain. Like being shown fire burns and still sticking your hand in it.
I've gotten better since I've gotten bored with blaming them. Life is more productive for me when I focus on what my fears of letting go are about. That's where the nuggets are, I think.
I'm starting a class tonight at my church on Core Beliefs. Really looking forward to it!